Still Wakes The Deep (FULL GAME)

 Still Wakes The Deep (FULL GAME)

to orang you ladies my name is Ja up guy and welcome to still wakes the deep I know I know a lot of you have been asking for it it's been on my radar for a very long time I don't know why I didn't play it yet just didn't feel like it now I'm Ready the body is ready the mind is willing I'm excited for this I've heard it described as the thing on an oil rig all sounds amazing it's made by the Chinese room who made like Amnesia a Machine For Pigs which I actually kind of liked soundtrack slapped so I'm I'm really excited about this they don't always make bangers but I've heard that this one is good so let's just start show hints I guess not I don't know I said all this stuff up before if it's wrong it's my fault I'm sorry I've also heard that it's just all Scottish accents in this game so I I still can't believe you went what are you thinking I'm going to be doing to that place Scottish accents non-stop wish you hadn't got yourself into this m but you did but you did can he run forever you can he run you wee bastard just trying to do right by me so I need you to do what's right by us now please C I am so tired of fighting all like C I just want it to be over I want you home the girls want you home but if you don't deal with this then we are done for good uhoh I love you but it's conditional forever yeah s Jesus s girl need your Christmas card [ __ ] very [ __ ] Christmas Christmas such a fun accent finishing up breakfast if you want some I'll be there in a minute TR all right well didn't wait too long or someone will be off with it I all right does limy have a voice in this game somewhere I feel like it's a shame not to ask him wow this looks great should I talk about Reflections and lighting for 4 hours I don't know we'll have to wait and see it does look pretty good it does look pretty good if I if I am to say so myself Scott Jackson is one of those things that I'm like in my head it always sounds amazing and then I try and speak it and it doesn't okay that's the letter we just read gotcha gotcha what do we have sorry get off Merry [ __ ] Christmas I wouldn't be too sorry about it your kids can't even spell Miry Chas they can't spell p gobshites all right anything else I like this good atmosphere let's go into Campbell's room and do something weird oh nice room you have here Campbell would be a shame if someone [ __ ] all over your bed a quite right tro how the bloody hell do you read so fast if I could everybody in video games is like Superman Dear Sir nor SE Workers Union abine branch I'm not going to do that gives notice under the provisions of the Trade union and Labor Relations Act Our intention to take industrial action this is due to your abject failure to meet with our representatives to discuss genuine safety grievances from our members bla black government manifestos yeah just like apes together strong apes and Scotsman a bond for Life a we Bond Apes Apes together strong just like a Scotsman a night shift Kelly Douglas or a night shift all right there's a map that I'm never going to learn ah someone's pissed all over this floor already I was hoping it would be me so St ni Place state of it stay you what's going on at all at all this place is falling apart and the nightmares haven't even started yet he must have G back on Shore last night he's got a box of we siggies all right CS I'm all right what are you doing up there pipes leing if it's not one thing it's the other see this whole rig it's a pile of [ __ ] it's falling apart and we've only just started drilling [ __ ] cadal and [ __ ] Rick cutting Corners all speaking no you are in the shite we man renck got a letter this morning from the mainland and he's been up to high do ever since he's gun in for you that's just brilliant Christ I need a smoke can I find my light anywhere take mine I don't need it anymore honestly you're a [ __ ] Lifesaver I'm going to get breakfast all right I'll see you for D tonight we'll put a we picture of Ric up on the board for you sounds like a plan see you damn that's that that voice acting is really good and actually I got [ __ ] mad air though finle you see this I'm not a we lad woohoo look at him cheeks all right boss what are you doing you got your we little pecker out can I can I see it I can fair play to you nice and steamy nice and steamy I'm just doing my best limy impression for this whole game which if any of you know limie look up limy reacts to a Jack Septic Guy video it's so funny he starts it for two seconds and then it's like no what's going on in here then Union Jack doesn't he surprise me prick prick stop immigration reject Common Market a [ __ ] brexit whose's room is this adir brex and gezer you can get [ __ ] adir I've got those commissary items you requested is that what it says coming in next week trots sorry to hear about your we lad is he talking about his son or his [ __ ] well this is cozy this is really cozy who's that princess Dy damn I used to have this exact we used to have these exact Christmas decorations when I was a kid holy [ __ ] did I live in an oil rig this is very cozy you could learn a thing or two Cass your room looked like shite tight bastards due to late delivery of Bea field an ongoing strike action the board has determined that no Christmas bonus will be made for oh you bastards I tell you what William Wallace would have never show your objective go down to the canteen get myself a wee bit of scr where are we going that way okay then I never want to go the way forward I always want to go the way seek Secrets cuz I'm worried that it'll progress and then I'll miss all of this stuff oh sweet Jesus darts tournament finle versus Brody the final where am I Caz I made it to the semi-finals but Finley beat me what it's in the fridge it's always wait what is this Friday jukebox I don't care it's always one of these things that this looks so cozy like just being out here just out in the wilderness no phones no anything just horrifying demons from Beyond and then I think oh wait the job they do sucks like this is cozy just hanging out here playing pool drinking having fun playing darts but then I'm like oh that's not all you do though you guys have to do a lot of [ __ ] okay okay you are here we are not all right Lads wait should I talk to these guys first look there's no escaping there's going to be a dozen M rigs up here by the end of next year because the Pricks in Westminster want their grubby wee hands on Scotland's oil Christ no this again the bear is already down to the Bare Bones and cadal are just going to make more cuts to get other rigs on the go if we don't take industrial action soon this place come on if we don't take industrial action soon this place will be even more of a death trap than it already is he got a point though Gibble we're down to a skeleton crew in the pones and it's Ry as [ __ ] down there workers of the World Unite what do you think C I don't know just here to fix the Ley what do you think I'll be keeping the lights on if this place falls apart that's Co you numpty uh it's just the lads nice breakfast yeah beans toast egg the Tomato can get [ __ ] I never understood the tomato in a breakfast like that man I hope there's some leftovers those turkey haggas NE nepes and tatties brussel sprouts pigs and blankets black p love it all you know there's there's this thing that goes back that Irish people and Scottish people are supposed to hate each other because there's like a rivalry of who's the better like Celtic place and who invented stuff first but can we all just accept any of us we Irish or we Scots out there that we're all just brothers and sisters at the end of the day we're all just here to have a good time and we can all agree [ __ ] the English like let's just get that sorted Wales is all right Wales can jump in whenever they want they're not the best of us the Irish and the Scots are way better let's face it but um the Welsh can jump in you're you're invited to Christmas but the English you right Roy Mo I do how do mlar to my office that means now not as soon as you're ready no is that me oh The Sweet Sound of Dave renick you think it's the paulus can't be surprised C you from Sue she's talking about divorce oh I'm sorry C she'll come around no if I get the jail she won well maybe you could have considered that while you were battering Billy Chamberlain's heading SL off su he had it coming and there he is floats like a butterfly stings like a bee and swears like the Devil Himself listen mate even if it is the polce maybe it's best to just go back and face it po I don't know Roy [ __ ] scun up with the whole thing the lord loves you mate no matter what and I'm pretty sure Seuss does too that's all clear for you now Roy lovely job thanks Dobby oh Trot says he's left your insulin in your cabin oh bless his little socks muchly appreciated T remember life is like football it's not over until the final whistle I you're a barnesley fan so you're pretty much [ __ ] from the off right oh I will see you hang for that mlar how if you Trot lad before his nibs blows a gasket God voice acting is great it's it's one of those things that it you could so easily just hire a bunch of people that aren't Scottish but you can tell that the people in this just talk like this anyway or maybe they don't they're just really good at their job I don't know but Barnsley that's what was in um thank goodness you're here it well it was barnsworth in the game but I think it's based on Barnsley in real life all right Lads Bo no bad C rap's here is a bit shaky though going to be the lad's first solo dive this morning that right ah you be all right pal especially with a big man here looking out for you have you done it before Christ no I'll stick to the lacky thanks no great in tight spaces and it's blowing a gale out there really filling the lad with confidence there C sorry we man don't worry about it bro's got you H and who is this fine fellow over here hey y enjoying your last day McClary what's that supposed to mean you've been a naughty boy boy from what I've heard ah GE peace you're not exactly an angel yourself there I'll be fine well you're not be missed you wouldn't have a dice graft if it slapped you in the face I'd like to see you try and do my job you would know a spark plug from a [ __ ] hair [Music] dryer watch your mouth mlar we ain't had nothing but maggoty bread for free still ining days yeah we want some meat you sound like an orai also who hung up me we killed and make curtains out of it bastards all right where are we going head outside onto the deck I'm assuming that this game is oh no we drill too deep and I'm trying to keep we drill too deep and now a monster is going to come out and kill us all that'd be [ __ ] sick home sweet home also I don't know he keeps saying I'm in the the Ley I don't know what the Ley is flare stack leg a do you mean the legs I don't know I don't speak Scotsman oh I can go in the way back here oh yeah oh on how do all right I'll leave you to your business nice kitchen though uh helipad lifeboats deck you shouldn't have let me explored this much cuz I don't know where the [ __ ] I'm going and I'm just looking around everything and I'm being a nosy bastard oh Administration all right let's go outside let's see what this looks like loading screen that's what it looks like the great beyond it's just a black void I guess some we gloves on it's it's fair nippy out there wow big place right our head up and see what the score is cool I love this vibe this is awesome right to get by pal sorry you have to go around C go around around like the whole [ __ ] way Christ what check one of us needs our heat here eh I not taking M off next time optim miss us not exactly SM oh you're a smart that one L on the deade nice and easy bash it just to someone a kick it this is a mess you guys said you just got started and you're not even drilled yet and you're already all fighting with each other and doing all sorts oh my God my crappy looking little wooden legs they're not going to carry me far when the horrors begin right next to the flare stack I mean you keep showing me maps like this but I don't know where the [ __ ] I oh no you are here there the X on the right but I'm actually on the left next to the lower deck all right Lads need a hand there fellas no I can scal on a hero by myself no what cheers though fair enough you want to transfer here mlar you'd give me less lip no he loves it m my office don't make me ask again better mood today is he you'll be all right C you get used to it we all get done try not to punch him no promises okay what's up here though hello same thing on the other side Jamel just work it to and fro steady El you think it we're 20 year old they say the I bet they do I'll add it to the list M mler mlar fair play mlar give me a minute to check sound out name it is it it's fair again I can see from here Dr crew I love that to love it even more you're telling them I told them last time this one's all yours what is it to say that Scots people can't say purple Burglar Alarm purple Burglar Alarm all right roer what's a problem we usually see you down here ah drolls acting up this morning got the crew running around like blue ass flies but they can of make head or tail of it is that your behind schedule then no not yet are not if the gods are smiling on us so M [ __ ] than ever as [ __ ] as you by the sounds of it look you better get up there the Bossman sounds raging botman sounds raging how long will that take ERS in but might be two three weeks before it shipped like I can patch it but we need to keep an eye maybe say a prayer and all seems like we keep do isn't the idea of oil re kind of [ __ ] when you think about it just a bunch of lads out in the middle of the ocean drilling for oil stay on the a cargo o will crush you if you get close well hopefully it doesn't [ __ ] break like everything else around here Jesus Scooby Scooby give me a heart attack sorry mate can I ask a we favor whether you need scoy ah could you do me a quick fix on the crew lift fuse box while you're down there I need Bo oh you're a lifesaver mate and don't let the big man get you down all right thanks pal where is the fuse box is that this okay um am I equipped to do this am I allowed sure that works I guess I'm keeping the screwdriver by the way scoo why have you not in my office ah sick I'm coming I'm coming maybe be there in 2 minutes we are relax keep your [ __ ] hairpiece on looks cold as bollocks out here I like it I like the Scottish accents around me it's making me feel like I should bust out my own accent a bit better again starting to sound too American I am all right on my way installation manager let's see what this prick looks like well you'll be [ __ ] go enter I like he's the king ah Mr mlar so glad you could join me I'm sorry to have got you out of bed shut the door and have a seat I'm fine standard set your ass in that chair you [ __ ] liability but I I a tight ship do you understand me a tight ship technically it's not a ship shut your G you NE prick I'm sick sick to [ __ ] b in a u e Go's messing with my operation that Chef might be a m yours but he does not run things around here I do do you understand me all right why don't you just get on with don't you answer me but back you might be the height of shite on Shore mlar but out here I am the [ __ ] King you understand me you bring the poce to my door to my r i i can sort this right I just need time shut it you clotty Gob Shake I've got here A M hooki make a more positive contribution to this operation than you shut it I'm in a meeting what [ __ ] sake gble I don't care we're on our schedule it's a [ __ ] drill you've got a [ __ ] drill so drill through it uh-oh yeah well Rob's a whiny old fud he's got a problem with everything I don't care if it feels off just [ __ ] do it and I'll come down here myself dude this man's blood pressure you're fired you hear me fired come on man it's only a we bit of trouble with the Polish I'm good with the Ley I keep things running you said it yourself ouch get off my rig [ __ ] hi a Happy New Year to you to you damn that was intense that guy's a that gu is a proper [ __ ] Gob shade a [ __ ] egy that's what he is are you guys drilling into the the thing are we are we about to get attacked are we about to die I'm excited for that well no more running for you guys so what did they say I beat someone up and now the police are after me and I might go to jail for it I don't know if I understood it right also what is the thing that the are burning off with oil whenever I see oil rigs and oil things there's always something on fire like what are they burning am I getting in this helicopter and leaving Jesus Gregor gor get away from the yeah get back on guys help me uh-oh guys don't let me die please I don't want to die I don't want to die Jesus just hang on [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] whoa oh I'm gone at all H yeah here we go nice you guys don't have any like systems in place but you're a right Pier two BS and a b bag now listen Pat I promise I'll take care of him I had a word with our Kiran you remember him you know was Billy chamberling from way back owes me a favor reckons you can sweeten Billy up a bit come on have I ever let you down right you lost the cake at the wedding now then now then that that wasn't my fault you left it on a bench at AR street you were that bloard you didn't even remember beaking the oh my children that was before the light of the Lord came to me here we [ __ ] go and you Mr McClary you can fuss and cuss all you like but perhaps if you went to the sarens a little less and the Tabernacle a little more then perhaps should not be in this pickle hey don't look at me you're the one who decided to spend the next four months trapped on our egg with us bort Susan I promise you I promise you we will get this straightened out I will you'd better ass two bars and a bar bag guys Christ he's got C [ __ ] guys on I eat Lads we can't leave him out here move [ __ ] I think he's de chill your bres we got you chill the [ __ ] beans Lads Christ C come on wake up C why is he not weaken up can you hear me he he going to die guys all [Music] [Music] right what about the other guy Gregor is that who fell off the edge I have a feeling he might be dead but I was going to say do you guys not have more stuff in place yeah like life jackets and buoys and life rings and stuff like that to get back also I assume You' need to be able to swim if you're working on one of these guys I need your help here the [ __ ] is this oh Brody with the dive Bell okay you guys du a little deep didn't you you guys uh oh that's broken whoa M thank Christ you're right being up on your feet my heat's killing me but a I I think so you got me out did you get Gregor I got you I I couldn't he find Gregor [ __ ] I'm sorry C Jesus he's not the only one we lost oh no no Ras is still in there why aren't these walking C I need you to help me c yeah right all right what what do you need the cable's stuck go down and release the main brake then come back up and raise the Bell if you can get it to my level I think I can get him out hi R it's all right we're getting you you think he's trapped in there with a creature or an entity or something something's going on in there that thing is bouncing around okay release The Brak oh whoops whoops oops oops that's it come back and win up the Bell now okay you got it I can do it I'm handy with the lucky what's going on broady what happened don't know the drill hit something an air pocket or gas explosion nobody knows but whatever it was it was big you were lucky trust me Douglas is trying to find out me like if the bear is even safe now what's wrong with raps I don't know all right decompression shouldn't have be this bad I shouldn't have let him go down there I said I'd look after him yeah he was so scared it's pro day I'm going to get you out is there anything me I can do no I'll get him we need to know what's going on up top you'll need to go through engineering the way up is blocked from here where's engineering for here I've never been doing this end before the only way you'll get there is to go under the rig should be a clearer path down there all right I'll head down now damn it's all kicking off Lads oh he's struggling in there cool cool we're all going to die it's awesome Christ entering under rig woo me will little popsicle eggs they come in handy now and then well that's [ __ ] is this a normal occurrence like hitting gas pockets in shite whoa cuz this doesn't feel normal the whole place falling apart like this why is this so [ __ ] bright what the [ __ ] whoa I you what you did then you get close to that come back can't say what CU get out here before it falls apart fade me and save Jesus where is this stuff that's cool it's like when they find the marker in Dead Space oh lucky I kept this screwdriver that's not D it's like I know my WD when someone is like pressed this one I'm like huh huh Jesus don't look down [ __ ] W baby we're all right we're all right we can do this get to the other side I want to know more about this guy what's going on huh are people going to I I actually don't know a whole lot about this game I just realized but if it's like the thing on an oil rig are we going to get guys who are all transformed and malformed and all weird are we going to have to do a blood test are we going to second guess who is who I'm coming ah [ __ ] [ __ ] see again didn't look down can I go in from here oh you've got to be pulling my [ __ ] that was stupid that was so unbelievably dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I was already holding the right button and I let it go cuz I thought I had to press something else that's me done in that's me [ __ ] I'm going to end up in the [ __ ] sea again and again and again probably we might not pass this first try again okay what's it telling me to hold this time [ __ ] ah hold both that was confusing we're Grand we're Grand look I've got my hands on the controls 10 and two oh [ __ ] hell just get this is so [ __ ] stupid look I'm good with the lucky but I'm not good at this and I don't even know what the lucky [Music] is goty a [ __ ] Ninja Warrior out here hey get inside outside's [ __ ] I don't want to die out here I want to go see SE do you think it'll have a sad ending I'll get to the end and it's like thinking of Sue and thinking about the girls back home and then it's going to be like I'm sorry sus I'm sorry girls and then bam hit a button whole rig explodes I'm dead but I made the ultimate sacrifice I'm a hero something like that what is that oh it's cool whatever it is I don't know why I thought it was going to be like an oily creature ATT of the bear there's been a minor drill issue so for the time being we are suspending thrwing operations until it's fixed stand by for further information this is a temporary drill issue drill issue Jesus Christ that's more than a we drill issue oh God why am I holding not I thought it was going to be like a black Inky oily creature that we found you know kind of like the oil that we're digging up oh lord it's my first time on an oil rig but that can be good but I am unreal I have the strength of 10 full men spooky finally something useful oh nice nice I love that flashlights are just a staple in horror games just adds so much Ambiance I mean look at this excellent there something go scuttling past the screen give it to me baby come on give it to me lucky I'm a we bastard or wouldn't they fit through oh what the [ __ ] is that it's bad is what it [Music] is it's not honey of the lads I'll tell you that can I break this yes the screwdriver is going to save my life I hope I get to stab the creature with it later I'm going full Batman Aram Asylum I don't want to be locked in here though Jesus how are you even sure you're going the right way clear it guys over here Jesus finally you all right it look like you've seen a ghost who's making that noise Gibble he's making that racket you should be no find him help him no going to recommend that what does that mean it means he's not all right after that explosion he got oil or some [ __ ] on him and just I don't know he freaked out went for me he's still out there you mean out here as an out here with me I that's exactly what I mean oh that's just [ __ ] brilliant you seen anyone else I just got here where you going anyway back to accommodation listen You'll have to get through the water tanks to get up to accommodation of course they will and quiet like got go all the way up there Jesus and what about Gibble stay the [ __ ] away from you're listening to me he's no right cuz I'm no arguing cuz be [ __ ] careful eh hey you know cheers Finley hey gibbo gibbo you Lamey prick what you up to oh I don't like this my senses are kicking off I have like gibo senses oh what the [ __ ] I didn't see it who that's a hand what that big legs what the [ __ ] can't open that what about my screwdriver will my screwdriver do things oh Christ ah me legs look when I was in my mid 20s dropping down into something like that would have been fine I would have just jumped and now I'm in my mid-30s and I'm like I got to sit on the edge first and then just like Scoot and then land and even then it's going to hurt my knees I mean should I go up that all my senses are telling me no but my video gamer is like yeah go up wait there's nothing up here okay do I have to throw things to entice the creature Jesus you [ __ ] wibbly wobbly Wonder look despite whatever happened I think that it's probably best that we get off this oil rig it feels like the whole thing's about to explode at any second like this all seems terrible regardless of who's hurt and who's not maybe it's a good thing if the polce does show up you know 6 in the morning police at my door ah peace and [ __ ] quiet I what an old man he is oh all this crouching as well I didn't have the knees for it lad relies I'm sorry was that your ladder I'll walk towards danger I'm no afraid no afraid the we ball bag plus I am so strong if this thing shows up I'm just going to punch it right in its goo that went all the way down all right where am I I am at level one I'm almost at the water tanks that's an avoid the creature area for sure look at that can we all agree all these boxes all around like this I'm going to throw something One Direction and go the other direction it's quiet you C this what the [ __ ] is that I don't know I didn't see instinctual crou just take it easy give all are you all right lad Gio where are you at mate oh that's cool all good come St I'm not staring I can't even see you I don't know what's happening he doesn't sound good let me see him let me get a we look he sounds so close to [Music] me Ah that's cool that you can look back though I wish more games did that [Music] keepall I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this I don't even think I can get hurt here but it's putting me on edge there we go there we go I don't know where I don't know where we go or why we go but there we go yeah that seems like something we should have done yeah now we're down here he big lumpy [ __ ] sake sh out K will you what the [ __ ] what did you [Music] do uh-oh no Douglas he said to find him inside Jesus no he can be oh he can God ah Douglas oh no guys Douglas is dead guys Douglas no no he was my friend Douglas is dead guys no what are we going to do it's okay Douglas I'll bring your body back to your kids oh oh sorry sorry Douglas sorry whoops my bad okay I have no ideas oh okay okay I'll get out of here I'll stop [ __ ] around okay I don't blame you gibbo I love you I I agree working here is a pain in the [Music] ass he see he sounds remorseful wait is there I don't know where I am can I go that way can I drop down okay why can't I Sprint should I go up here I don't know which direction to go nice Gio nice hio I can I get this one open no chance okay up we go I feel much better the higher up we [Music] go just start flicking switches is this the Lecky I work on the lucky I got to find the Lecky Jesus leave area oh right I can't go that way I did it okay I don't think I'm missing much it's not it doesn't seem like that type of game it seems very linear and story driven which is great I'm really into it that's really cool we minut by the heater oh it's like cryostasis any of you ever played that God don't sh [ __ ] stop thinking about it just stop thinking about it you'll be grand you'll be grand right just have a weip this does make me feel warm oh sipping on my hot coffee topof the morning we have decaf now that's what I'm drinking you know it's 400 p.m.

I don't want to be drinking caffeine in the middle of the day w't be a to sleep oh yeah oh that'll put the starch black back in your Bloomers is anyone here okay this is familiar hello if there anybody to he [ __ ] say something being on a thing like this reminds me of playing Metal Gear Solid 2 hello M clear here C it's a Conor I've got Bruce and Fergus with me you know what's going on no but we had something you need to get out of there don't need to tell me twice listen something's wrong in engineering it's not safe we'll go through the leg and come up through the under rck R better give the evacu corner you have to go through accommodation it's all blocked do you hear me oh Corner a [ __ ] can't just kill the only Irishman like that he has to survive that stuff is right oh it's like breathing and undulating and gooing [ __ ] gross let's get nearer let's touch it lick it even [Music] what's going [Music] on TRS whoa TRS TRS get off me TRS is that you I can't hear you man open the door my is TR the door's blocked I can't get to you what's up we man you hurt Jesus Christ oh Jesus oh Jesus charge charge he's like oh God help me what's up we man are you heard oh God it's killing me are you right God it took my legs off and it it's beating me with them are you hurt we man all right trots we'll save you don't you worry this is very Lial space kind of stuff as well oh that looks cool [ __ ] yeah it's G rules hello video games are back everyone glad to see the Chinese room doing something like this [ __ ] yeah my dad's safe how about you at least my dad can afford to buy me pants that's not true in real life my dad's dead bloody hell fire get in quick thank God you're all right Jesus what you doing in here what you think I'm doing in here what the bloody hell is going on doomsday bunker people are dying Roy Dead who who Who's who's dead how Douglas trots I think I don't know it's it's this thing I think it's Dan something to people I don't know what to believe know what I mean I do I really do I saw something out on the deck I didn't stay to look it to scared the [ __ ] out of me I should barricade the door we can't hide Ro we have to get off this rig right the [ __ ] now what without renck say so R did you hear renck what you think we're getting evacuated he'd want everybody back at work if we were at the bottom of the north [ __ ] sea right the life B then I you stay barricade the door let me clear a path and once we're ready to go I'll come and get you right I'll be here don't worry getting some extra prayers in we're going to need them guys um you won't leave me it's bloody terrifying out there I'm not leaving you I wouldn't blame you if you did mate you've got all the food in here for a Stars listen get your man upstairs on the case and I'll see you soon right God his voice acting so good I'm really impressed by it I also like just like the thing the best part about the thing movie is that no one questions anything it we're not spending like an hour of people being like I don't know what I saw what is out there I don't know man they're just like it's a [ __ ] alien let's get the flamethrower and kill things love that he did sound scared I believe him oh no I didn't want to go through there where am I going through there okay no this goes outside it's too dangerous out here he per whoa ow God I just wanted to get a little closer maybe sniff it a little maybe touch God [ __ ] Christ oh my sinuses that'll wake you up let's do it again Jesus okay woo felt that all way all the way down to my balls woo I'm alive now let's go again oh okay now it's starting to hurt actually a little bit maybe it was just that one though maybe maybe it's not always like that maybe okay that one fused my teeth together okay that's my sign to leave let's get the [ __ ] out of here I'm awake now Christ oh my God there's a face in that one Jesus what the [ __ ] happened to them there's two faces his eyes moving there's three faces God the more I look at it the worse it gets who are they are your tongues touching each other are you fused e stop whoa Jesus my heat heat [ __ ] hell now I can touch it is that there's no there's no electricity to stop me now maybe I can go through the laundry [Music] okay I need to stay away for that whatever the [ __ ] that is oh I feel good though anything change about you guys that's so creepy [ __ ] [Music] yeah okay screwdriver save me once again nothing beats an old Flathead huh more of a Phillips myself a Phillips fan but I'm sure somebody in the comments can tell me why flatheads are better ah corn beef oh God I would love if a corn beef right now corn beef and a bit of brown sauce on bread oh that'll go down nicely after an all hard day work yeah [ __ ] open it open it I want corn beef open it hold on hold on Willam I'm trying everyone just wants corn beef it'll open eventually here we go watch okay almost almost now you guys get the brown sauce and the bread out all right [ __ ] that hello anybody in here is this Five Nights at fazbears four time dogger Fisher Southwest 6 to Gale 8 perhaps severe Gale 9 later rough or very rough squirly shot good occasionally poor German there's places to hide here though I don't like that who God that thing is aggressive I'm not going back in here well what the [ __ ] are we supposed to do then these are opening Sparks can kill so going a [ __ ] monster from the deep so farra it's killed all my friends Christ how am I going to get down there I don't like this man my fear of heights would never let me like this is just stupid like not holding on to he hey hey I get you Bo no a he were one way one day away from retirement ah Jesus B ah my [ __ ] head ah C Lads it's all gone wrong you know what you know what we should all do we should all sit back have a drink and wait for this all to blow over a [ __ ] oh attention crew the be all personel need to get to the nearest evacuation Point shut the [ __ ] up all get too excited now you be back it work in 15 minutes once I get all this nonsense straightened out oh what a [ __ ] Gob sh B what a [ __ ] clown is that boat going to fall don't fall we need you come on jump why am I jumping Oh I thought you wanted to jump that way that would have been [ __ ] stupid good Lord these lifeboats aren't going to last oh are you kidding me well in for a penny in for a pound we man no no no that's [ __ ] stupid that's it's just stupid Christ I Let Go no Jesus Christ let's not do that again I agreed [ __ ] agreed spr you did it in the first place do not obstruct doorway well somebody didn't [ __ ] listen today somebody didn't listen cuz this is [ __ ] obstructed I'm starting to think that the problem is not the monster that's devouring everybody it's the [ __ ] stupidity we all had thinking that we could run this place without problems a come on you're joking me what this is fine hop on in go get Roy and hop in this is Grand everything's fine it's just a little on fire oh thank Christ there it is there it is okay right looks easy enough does it remove safety pins got it engage brake lever to swing boat into boarding position Embark crew and visitors secure hatchets hatches hatchets everyone got their axes all right cool we're all ready to leave now I wish we had hatchets actually okay remove safety pins is that these out of here one more one more right now the lever get it into position nearly out of this I I I don't know where the lever is okay it's over here C I'm just going to let you know that this is probably not going to go well uh this probably going to swing and kill both of us it's going to swing so hard it's going to kill me in real life as I'm playing the game pinch Point Jesus what [ __ ] I mean I'm sorry but it's in the water oh that's just broken perfect why did it sink it was in the water it's full of air it's buoyant I could have just jumped in after it told Roy to grab a can of baked beans and follow me in this one also seems fine oh the lever's gone I see I see okay my bad no life boats for us we're dead call Roy and tell him Roy uh Roy yeah shit's [ __ ] yeah pack it up ah go on then put the beans on i' be down in 10 locked ah it's Roy are the beans ready who's that renck it's me K mlar what the [ __ ] are you doing to my life Bo it's gone it's just fell off into the [ __ ] sea you must have done it wrong [ __ ] off renck you built this [ __ ] thing no me who's with you Roy's in the canteen Finley and bro alive listen to me mlar get your ass up to the chopper pad bring anyone else you can find too and whatever you do don't touch this stuff all over the bear I can't I can get back out there's a safety door there raing are all gone for God's sake do I have to tell you how to do everything give the door a tidy kick at the bottom it'll open right enough what about you just concentrate on getting to the pad don't worry about me you see reck what well does this mean we're okay like the hard feelings get to [ __ ] mlar when you get back [ __ ] off again I'd be happy to see you drowned but I'm not having your death on my [ __ ] record go on your C you old fud go on yourself you foood all right a swift kick at the bottom [ __ ] cheap bastard damn it also means that we're [ __ ] if we want to barricade ourselves in anywhere but I'll take it I'm with Roy on our side did you see Roy he's built like a man that eats black pudding all the time do you think that'll hurt [ __ ] that's nice oh oh that's nice you know when you were a kid you'd sit next to the fireplace and you'd sit there until your eyeballs dried out and then you blink and you didn't know where the [ __ ] you were good old times all right let's put you out here we man smother that bastard nice do I need it again I'm it with me you never know yeah freeze that yet if movies have taught me anything that's going to freeze the [Applause] door is this just going to last forever if this lasts forever we should absolutely bring it with us okay fine see door opened right up ah what who's that it's C Andis what's going on Jesus I I need help I I don't know what to do again what was that Christ something's happening Tois Andis [ __ ] cool dude everyone's dead [ __ ] this also helicopter pad is a great idea idea why didn't we think of that first we came from down below we know everything's crap down there everything bad down low we go up if they drilled and dug something up from down below we go up we don't go to the deep down dark deep down what's that poster say bend your knee keep your back straight oh I see a bent back is a weak back that was the world's strongest back shut up oh God touch it again oh yeah feels like looking into the great beyond do it again oh yeah I'm seen visions of God oh I can see the future W [ __ ] yeah better than any drug that'll wake you up ah fair play EAS just like Hitman the screwdriver wins those do been ban Jacks isn't it wait I'm not going in there dude you pulling that a tiny bit oh uh yeah okay let's go up yeah it's all [ __ ] in there I didn't want to go in there anyway it's better to go this way don't fall don't fall oh this stuff is taken over Mercy Christ don't [ __ ] fall don't [ __ ] fall who's that or what's left of them disgusting why does someone not know how to flush a toilet you taken the [ __ ] I want to see it I mean there'll be plenty of time to see it later but I don't know what it looks like yet okay maybe I don't Jesus wo he's got some [ __ ] laundry to do it's just like taking over his legs and just let them wander around it's like the blob from inside there he goes he just wants to know how to wash his britches [Music] I can help him I can be a friend is that TR Jesus Christ TRS are you all right we man okay Easy Does It Easy Does It Easy Does It is he to see me okay sh easy no easy no easy now okay all right there Troy Boy [ __ ] he's [ __ ] weird over there I'm gone I'm gone I'm gone holy [ __ ] [ __ ] what do we do what do we do what do we do what do we do I didn't to go [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God Jesus Christ that was close oh oh God I [ __ ] soiled myself okay all right Roy he's blocked the door not not a bad idea Roy are you still alive ah F PL you C you all right Jesus you look terrible did not go down those [ __ ] stairs what the hell is going on trots I think it was trots no it's just [ __ ] horrible whatever it is just stay in here and keep quiet did you get to the life boats yeah the [ __ ] knows if they ever work but they definitely don't [ __ ] work now how do we chat with reck about it while I was out there how did that go badly still reckons we should get to the bird you think you got a better idea cuz mate I'm not going to make it over the deck I'm not feeling so good pal I think I need my insulin what you're [ __ ] Kroy no oh I'm sorry to convenience you Mr bloody fit and healthy I tell you what I'll have a little chat with my pancreas shall I and tell it to pull it socks off right all right [ __ ] sake could you not just eat some [ __ ] Jam or something oh bloody hell the man's a medical genius I got on the blower to doctor [ __ ] Spock and tell him not to panic we sh diabetes here [ __ ] McCoy no Spock he was a point here you think you can manage to get to your cabin you've s some in there hi I'll get to the helipad make sure that doesn't he try leav him without you all right I'm not a useless I can get there listen when when you get to the chopper tell Archie to radio in the support ship we we need all the [ __ ] help we can get CZ all right big man all right just be careful okay my girls need their Godfather in one piece also that's not how diabetes works right I mean our cat has diabetes you use the insulin to bring the glucose down if you eat something the glucose goes up so if he doesn't have his insulin you told him to eat something you just [ __ ] die wait where am I going okay out this way back outside I go into the lovely blustery weather you know what Roy you're not completely useless you can help if even just a little bit what if I don't come back what are you going to do all right let's take stock I hear the chopper I also hear that thing oh the seagull are dying the seagulls are last anything else but the seagulls are dying if they're D we screwed I don't like the sound of that whatever it is or whoever it is I have to get across to the bird Christ I can barely see the lift to get there with this fog cool so atmospheric personel this is an evacuation order that wasn't clear enough the first time that means get to the hel p now it's your responsibility to get there as we will be leaving with or without you [ __ ] rck that bastard thinks he can [ __ ] leave us oh renck only thinking of himself it's at some point it's our fault for expecting better of them also that Chopper is absolutely going to bite the dust what did that do oh it turned off the electricity oh kind of sounds like music I can hear you but I won't God fog looks [ __ ] [Music] good who this you dead what the [ __ ] happened here Sun noes Christ almighty no God that thing is fast guys jesusis what you doing up there that thing I'll see it that thing it's m CU it's [ __ ] m m Jesus I yeah it says it in the subtitles Christ I don't understand cat listen we have to get to the helip pad all right I tried talking to him but he came for me like he didn't care me at all it's no him anymore and it's there's nothing we can do but leave save who we can you're right but the only way up is the crew lift you won't let anyone leave then we need to get past him all right I'll see you there but then he be a hero if he hears me all right then don't let him hear you see you at the left wait is that mean there's like pleas oh my God he's huge [Music] looks like one of those tripod things from halflife whoa that's cool make it make it make it make it wait so that's Meir and we also have trots running around oh God [ __ ] [ __ ] putting them feelers out put them away you dirty bastard you oh God it's so cool I'm not supposed to be in here maybe I am is that your face there I can't get there no no no there's no one here we're fine move on me can I Sprint to this make it stop can just as way you was my friend [ __ ] is he even know what he's doing I don't think so that's [ __ ] dope what a cool design okay I need to get over there but oh my God oh my God oh my God wait where am I going where am I going this way no okay [ __ ] hell it's okay it does know we're in here he's he he might be big and scary but he's also [ __ ] stupid St Jesus there's the left not far now God thank God we still have this screwdriver if I didn't have the screwdriver I'd be dead already this screwdriver is going to save my marriage oh who's this Christ Dobby Dobby no oh Master gave you a sock master has given Dobby a sock Dobby is free [ __ ] hell that's a big lad that's much worse than what's in the thing baby guys Christ you all right can you get out no you was coming at me I just froze I didn't care how I got myself in here but the caroo came down and we're right crabs in a cre now are those the ho controls behind the fence maybe I can shift it all right you're a good l c why am I the [ __ ] doing anything I'm scared too you think you're the the only one that [ __ ] his pants no several times most of what's in my pants isn't even me anymore it's pure [ __ ] okay Easy Does It Easy Does It he doesn't see a thing he doesn't see a [ __ ] thing shouldn't show my face shouldn't show my face okay oh he's going to destroy that if he hears it for sure he not how he not de is I could do I go back out now [ __ ] Lo are we good was I supposed to do that feels like I was supposed to do that run what up we I see why did I do that why did I do that why I fell and I made noise [ __ ] Lo go on in get what the [ __ ] fair enough here we go [ __ ] SL makes sense this okay I'm just going to go back I can he you what the [ __ ] bro what you doing we go on okay maybe wait for him to do his thing with the elevator yeah that's why I kept getting caught I'm just going to go the long way around why was I not crouching anymore what the [ __ ] I see you I was sneaking and then I came out of the hole and I wasn't sneaking no more [ __ ] is Eagle [ __ ] Lo go on [Music] okay let's do that okay I don't really know where to go after this what oh God oh God I'm going over here [Music] nice nice I just need help I I don't know where is best to throw things cuz I'm afraid I'm going to [ __ ] this up I got this i got this look at that big annoying [ __ ] hey go over there okay I'm going over there nothing slowly slowly don't see me don't see me don't see me yeah go over there you bastard sound sound you going I need help what the [ __ ] I'm coming let me in let me in let me in oh yeah Dirty Bastard sh [ __ ] no he is no Jesus he didn't deserve that if anything I probably deserve that well maybe not cuz I did all the work but oh does he just assimilate them put them all up into his [ __ ] chest and now he just has an enus right here where are you going yeah you we bastard okay I hear the helicopter we're getting out of here end of the game man that was cool wasn't it guys can open nice fun short experience yeah we're definitely getting on this helicopter and leaving that was cool yeah really cool game can get them like hell we shoot you shot them they're gone get to move on arj Ric we have to give them more time you told to comeing what about Roy I told them is that we are leaving and we are wait was I supposed to get Roy stuff and then come up here with him I'm right here AR it's okay they're going to die they're going to die there there's no way they get off this thing safe you bastard you lion bastard where are you going Jesus Christ I can't [ __ ] die here Christ [ __ ] come on come back uhoh uh-oh uhoh whoa someone was on board they didn't get away safe that was cool I should have K better than to let you two it together the two greatest minds of your generation United over a Bucky Nobel Prize committee will be warming up the checkbooks already you seriously seriously think if you leave the country this all just blow over no one's going to chase me out into the middle of the North Sea my mom always said I'd married beneath me c but I thought you were smarter than this I'm [ __ ] doing my best no no you're not doing your best what do you know about oil rings your roaster good with the Ley ter is to's cars Flats maybe a shop if you're feeling adventurous Ro putting a work he said I'm up to the job oh for for God sake Ro's a cook he's a chef he's a cook it's just for a few weeks we just let it cool doing a bit then I'll call Bly Chamberlain have a word talk him into dropping the charges if you run the police I'll give you the jail for sure when are you leaving no you are [ __ ] me mle it's the girl school concert I'm [ __ ] SC s what do you want for me I'm just saying this C if you leave us if you run if you go then we are done you hear me yeah I don't know C fighting in the PO I'm here Su [ __ ] [ __ ] hell I'm losing my mind a wee bit that all went tits up didn't it if I go in there and I shout on the intercom does that mean I own the place now am I the installation manager I think so I think that's how that works oh the sound of that was cool he what is it hello C it's BR Jesus the [ __ ] Chopper man I saw it did you get to the life boards I the busted [ __ ] kidow mechanisms are completely [ __ ] cheap bastards mle just listen here's what I need you to do I need you to get to the radio room and call the support ship that's [ __ ] man the [ __ ] crane fail on it hello hello [ __ ] hey it's BR I I know who it is you death prick listen that's a generator if they cut out we'll be on emergency batteries so the radios won't work you're not listening the radio room is gone Christ man there's other radios but only one set of Jenny's if they fail you're going to need to head down there and manually restart them I'm not going down there again [ __ ] Gibble Caz if the ly cuts out you won't have a choice you going and do it no Caz I'm busy you need to get to the Jenny's and stop them from shoting got it Jenny's right broad ah [ __ ] but I'm good with the lucky I'm not good with the Jenny I don't even know Jenny who is she wait so that means that we have Muir we have gibbo and we have trots all of them are monsters right now Christ no wonder R it was ring uh stth Clyde police letter dear sir I'm seeking information in respect of an incident that occurred in the evening of Wednesday at the Duke Public House in denn okay the incident in question involving a serious assault is being investigated by our crime division who are interested in speaking to a Mr Cameron mlar Caz who's believed to be under your supervision aboard the bered oil platform at this time cooperation in locating this individual and escorting him back to the mainland is of the utmost important if contact is made please inform the gggd at the telephone number above and we will arrange transfer we'll make further okay yeah I'm kind of a liability but it's okay I'm I'm a victim now I'm a victim of whatever's happening here so I am going to have a character Eric and a turning point okay uh oh over the intercom uh excuse me everyone um this is c i now run the place um there's going to be free sausages for everyone after this is all done um I'm going to go down and [ __ ] about with the jenni's uh good with the Ley I have no idea what the Jenny's is um but I'll get down there and I'll figure it out and uh God is good and uh fair play okay wait wait this K who's this it's Davos I'm on the life fors God knows how I made about de where is everyone they're all gone you got to get back up here could clean back up I just got here do it again a [ __ ] Davos Davos can you hear me hello [ __ ] I'm telling you manate seriously the this game is the whole package like visuals and sound design are great but that voice Act is the thing that's impressing me the most they I really feel for these guys I want them all to live can all my sweet little we Lads live I would love that for them what what is the Ley I'm trying to figure that out in my head I'm good with the Ley do you think we'll ever find out anyone in here ah the [ __ ] phone's ringing who is it what clearly here Scooby doyo is in the wall oh easy what you H about who's here he's us he's coming he's going to kill me he's going to [ __ ] he's in the walls he's in the G God damn walls okay anything useful in here I got a oh yeah I got a flashlight upgrade a while back be great if we could get something else like a gun nice can I can I blow that this one nice the [ __ ] is the point of the rain is didn't put out fire [ __ ] yeah so where yeah if if I'm there then I'm going to have to go there yeah okay cool got it the [ __ ] is this why is there a wheel add in the TV okay I don't need a map I have a tab icon that's telling me where to go never mind can't get in there okay touch it again maybe if you touch it and are like sympathetic [ __ ] then it'll like soften itself to you maybe it won't kill you if it's if it's tapped into your brain good morning everyone here is the shipping forecast for 0630 on Tuesday December the 23rd [ __ ] you and your shipping forecast [ __ ] happened in here what do you think happened in here Cass oh everyone had a [ __ ] grand old time and we just had so much fun we destroyed it we decided to destroy the room no it's a [ __ ] monster Cass same thing that's happened to the rest of the place whose wee boot is this God I can feel it in my feelings hello hello oh that's not good if I walk towards you are you just going to get are you going to get pulled away is that what's going to happen is that what's happening I'm putting 50 million on this I [ __ ] knew it I knew it that's a safe bet [ __ ] things locked Jesus [ __ ] what the [ __ ] my God it's just a giant Renegade Dirty Bastard what the [ __ ] where do we go where do we go what do we do a W even in [ __ ] monster form you're a right prick massive head good Christ yeah I could do it a piss I could do it taking a piss oh a [ __ ] could have used a toilet like half hour ago now pointless uh-oh uh-oh uhoh can I fit I can't fit through I can't fit through I got to pull more oh Christ scary bastard okay just pull it all the way back before I do anything got it got it okay this time we're good this time we're good don't touch it give me the willies oh God camera [ __ ] I don't know where to go I a God okay I know where to go my [ __ ] glan my little puppet legs can't walk anymore [ __ ] hell oh he's big and he's bad yeah get around him get around him keep running H oh you can fit through oh sh I can't to get this one open no chance the [ __ ] you talking about run holy [ __ ] oh big bastard yeah go outside he hates the outside I bet you he hates it out there W wait oh that actually did have my heart going that was cool it affects them all differently I like that it's just pure chaos in creature form [ __ ] helicopter Christ so something was on the helicopter with them come on you're joking me I am not jumping to that you are pulling my pews [ __ ] yeah just [ __ ] casual their C who who do you think you are Nathan Drake come the [ __ ] on you can't even hold your [ __ ] relationship together how are you going to do this now where did I bloody go wait where do I go what oh through the [ __ ] blade God damn I'm good look I'm not there now if only sus Could See Me Now she'd be like damn Cass what a man you are I'll stay with you for the kids because you can run and jump and do stupid [ __ ] that's the man I love that's the father of my we girls right pushing and pulling this isn't my job I'm good with the lucky ah Christ where am I [ __ ] operator hello hello Bruce dr's coming in F Bruce I don't know who Bruce is hurt his leg Bruce tell me where you are Bruce can you hear me I don't know where is Christ [ __ ] what part of the rig is God damn it it's probably the helicopter I dropped down probably got him killed if I could stop doing stupid [ __ ] maybe other people would survive [ __ ] I really strong I know about you if I had a padlock and a screwdriver there is no way in hell I would be able to break that thing unless it's way easier than it looks Don't Look Down [Music] what was that what part of this place is blown up now uh-oh oh this is [ __ ] terrible someone threw the haird dryer into the bath okay that cut out but now it's also ever so quiet I don't like this oh terrible terrible this is bad everything's fine moving moving along nicely now Hold On Shut gas gas there must be a valve somewhere shut off the gas is this it that's a valve grip and rip it just breathe in the fumes Cass breathe in the fumes and all your problems go away it become much easier to deal with the fact that you become an amalgamation of a monster if you're full of natural gas everything will be great you'll just think of you're imagining it won be that bad HRA engineer you got it Finley Jesus am I glad to see you I you and all I hope Finley survives nearly had me he's he's changed he's [ __ ] Vicious he's changed much to me have you seen anybody else bro he sent me down here to restart the Jen's the generators I that's where I was headed but the lights are on right we're an emergency battery system no there's no got any hold for long the beer is taking a lot of damage infrastructure's compromised that's just brilliant so how do we get the Jenny's working right well first thing get in that cabin over there and reset the protective relay that might kick your Jen's back on go on see what happens I don't know if we should just be [ __ ] around with stuff like that what if they all explode and kill me I'm good with the Ley I'm not good with the Jenny all right protective relay is it the phone no it's the big [ __ ] bright light okay hold on [ __ ] this place did I do it ah you beauty at least that works I better tell Finley oh don't tell me Finley's [Music] dead shut up no one on the phone locked feel like somebody's going to be on the phone soon listen to that beauty par national Safety Council of Australia okay don't chew on cables cuz it'll kill you I [ __ ] knew that already what do you think I am a rash uh-oh uh-oh [ __ ] uh-oh something's going to be in here with me this is fine oh I work like a chance [ __ ] the generator must have tripped because they fault somewhere I and the relay will just keep resetting until we fix it we'll need to restart the generator manually right where you go then there's two jobs here mle the Jen's and the fault you deal with the Jen's Now find the fault what the [ __ ] was that I don't know but the generators are that way I'm no [ __ ] good in there have you got a be plan no I well I [ __ ] didn't think you would have someh going where you [Laughter] going I a't not [ __ ] going down there I like how every time he's like what the [ __ ] was that what do you think mlar maybe it's Sue maybe she's here and she's forgiven you Alo how are you going to find a fault around this place isn't the whole place falling apart I'm pretty sure you can't fix any of this what do I know I'm good with the lucky oh that's cool oh [ __ ] me honestly that's cooler than the idea of it just being like a black ooze everywhere like I thought it was going to be I thought cuz we're on an oil rig we were going to find something that looked like oil but we shouldn't have dig so deep Bro the oil is now going to kill us but this looks cooler although this does kind of look like oil on water I have to go into mud handling oh it sounds like a ton of babies together touch it oh yeah I want to play with my balls all day long Baby Woo oil [Music] balls what's mud handling that's a loud [Music] lad oh shit's everywhere what the [ __ ] is that I don't know I didn't see anything maybe I wasn't supposed to see anything who's here Jesus oh my God who is that wait where's your face that's a hand I don't know I can't piece you together maybe the doctors can't maybe if they find you they can put you back together like Humpty Dumpty although he was an egg for some reason oh ringing in my head don't think I have to noticed all those hidey holes on the way back all these [ __ ] gaps everywhere oh I know it's going to happen oh I'm going to flip a switch and then every all hell's going to break loose I'm going to have to dodge something the whole way back why just have a pint wait for it all to blow over be [Applause] [Music] Grant oh I'm in the [ __ ] ladder [ __ ] yeah this is getting worse oh cool don't touch it don't touch it don't touch it mud handling I want to handle some mud do you think it can sense me that must be it we hot over on the other side oh Christ no far now I don't want to do this man [ __ ] Jesus no no ad D's the the brexit guy right what if even in the this form he's like no immigrants doing this oh oh oh go over [Music] there did I make noise by touching these I'm so confused I'm so confused I keep feeling like I'm tapping stuff and making noise and then he doesn't come near me so I'm [Music] scared hey go over there what do you look like how do you no it's me could be anybody could be Finley okay deck accommodation Administration Jesus don't [ __ ] up now an order oh there's an order to it okay what's the order right the generator switches should be around here somewhere yeah they're [ __ ] there I know I just don't know what order this goes in do I just guess okay engineering processing I can't believe I fixed or I got that okay and it's going to be this one no [ __ ] there's probably a sign somewhere but yeah baby [Music] what went wrong I did the sequence properly after 10 attempts c c are you there sh [ __ ] sake maybe no jump out at me have you not seen a dare oh it's that prick he's away mud handling by the sounds of it listen we are in business you've gone through full power to batteries to sitting in the [ __ ] dark what are you all about I'm getting in a stoi as going to H is it a let get that generator running it's outting the floor the key for it should be in there somewhere I'll be out here looking for the fall we'll be looking out for a dare as well all right okay no I've not found the key yet can't start the journey without it that's fair that's fair she did say that got okay what why am I always the one getting into danger why can't anybody else [ __ ] do this why can't I just sit back and look for the fault and be like yeah over there also what's a stoi I don't know this is they can help oh I can go down here is he still here [Music] oh my God it's like starting up 150y old tractor that worked guys I can see where the fult is it's blowing a fuse back in mud handling mud handling is that know where it there is guys he's coming back you need to move to mud handl and F I thought you were fixing the [ __ ] faults what do I have to do it holy [ __ ] Che he sucks yeah okay okay okay yeah go that way that I don't know if he sees me or not I think he does but I don't [ __ ] know what's happening why did that hit right next to me can I even get through here oh my God oh my God oh my God hi hi everything's fine everything's cool everything's fine thought I could get around the stairs I [ __ ] seagull taunting me all the time again guys I can see me on the pH is uhhuh some uh-huh this guy is ruthless [ __ ] break I'll just hide here for a while you just you do your thing you start patrolling he's so creepy looking hey what are we doing what the [ __ ] my engine I always fuing about okay are we safe [ __ ] sake do this am I going this way o he sounds so close all the time go over there [Applause] the brightest are you I'm glad he's not the brightest if he is then we're [ __ ] dead Cass okay I am all turned around which direction is it this way okay got it [ __ ] that was closer than I'd like's a good we okay okay that [ __ ] sucks that [ __ ] sucks it's okay okay what what oh oh o yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay A little breather a little breather I'm sure he's going to come back but a little breather that's good youin get off this rig life it's going to take all of us okay nice woo that was stressful feel like I'm playing s or the original Amnesia again which is great I love those vibes it's been a while since I feel like we've had a game like this see I thought we'd have to that made a lot of noise is that him screeching like a baby okay this is mod handling fuse box has to be somewhere okay he's definitely going to come back don't tell me I have to do this and then go back the other way [ __ ] you and all [Music] there he [Music] is oh wait me throwing that actually counted oh God oh God oh God am I safe in here am I good this this doesn't look good oh God I don't know if I want to get out of here being said to feel it again I of get back okay I just need to get back up there again okay got it got it got it next time I wanted to see his face what hi over there yeah yeah yeah go on go on a he's like a big slug okay okay okay okay okay we're fine we're fine is he still following me is that a giant hand whoa I love that I love that it's like muting them all completely differently one's a giant head one's like a big L kind of creature sick they all keep reminding me of halflife though for some reason we half life [Applause] [Music] two back m [ __ ] show you can't forever I don't know if you're actually allowed to be in here I think this is broken I think you're stuck oh sh I'll take it I mean I think he's stuck I think he's reacting but he can't move fair enough I'll take it any win is a win that's good for me what's good for me is good for the colony fck off you the [ __ ] really there you go what the [ __ ] [Music] happening what I do can't open there are we good I knew the [ __ ] phone would ring eventually hello is it Finley Finley C no it's broy I thought it was Finley with the lights coming back on it worked thank Christ Finley was here but we we get separated you all right I the IG is me though we St to sink you kidding me sink how long till it goes under soon if we do nothing look I need you to come down to the pontoons if we engage the tension when she's in all four legs we can buy some time what's the point the pontoons the electricity they they [ __ ] think it's a [ __ ] nightmare what you on about you survived this long haven't you more can be said for most of the P bastards on this rig Christ C somebody up there must like you that's what Roy keeps telling me hi well he's a barley fan so he'll be used to pray I know wrong there I'm no wrong about this either you're the jamest bastard on this rig and we need that right now so let's do this hi what they today you engage the winches in legs A and B and I'll do the others easy there's a direct route down from engineering all all right I'll uh I'll find my way down top man C over the Tano if we're in business okay I am doing way too much I deserve to be the only one that survives this also why was that suddenly open now goodbye adir I hope you I die in a fire out we go [Music] entering leer entering leg a is that the Ley the licky licky lucky okay but out fires this place looks a little worse for where I don't know if I should be heading down here I do like that c complained he was like oh first we do this and then we do that like what's the point I'm like finally you ever hear characters in movies in games and you're like no one would act like this and that's something that people are getting smarter to as well people who watch movies and stuff I think the level of dialogue and character decisions and stuff over the years has started to rise significantly so now in movies and games and literature and anything people are starting to be annoyed by characters who are stupid it's fine to have characters do stuff that's like whatever like you can have a character do anything but it has to make sense within that Universe I think like this C this is stupid n this is fine again it depends on the genre as well I guess should I okay I didn't know if that was going to stop I was just for [ __ ] sake I do like that he complains every time he jumps like two feet okay where are we going Cass that is absolutely going to break at some point well I'm going to jump on this and my C's ass is going to make it fall God I feel like I'm playing Mirror's Edge right now run up the wall backflip oh God I thought he jumped off guys we need you to go down and fix the lucky it's like all right I'm on it he's just jumping around in circles down in the hold oh who's this a Christ ah Christ it's Bongo ah Bongo no they got you oh Bongo you we ah one day away from retirement Bongo for [ __ ] sake am I am I stuck Oh I thought I broke it okay what am I where do I go huh I'm am I am I not supposed to be here what am I doing hello I can't get past it suddenly I feel very claustrophobic I need to back out and take it all in is this not the way to go or did I just climbed that to get a ah Christ hold on hold on sorry guys I'm allergic to stupid decisions [ __ ] indeed lad look down don't look down the [ __ ] are you doing am I supposed to go over there Jesus [ __ ] Christ no oh you could have survived that sure's a bunch of water in the bottom of that you would have been grand just talking maybe block your nose if you can't hit water without water going up your nose I mean you kind of deserve this down over there well this is just the [ __ ] worst am I supposed to go down look at them we legs what are you light C okay this is this is not worth it at this point I feel like it would be less it would just be less intense to have the thing kill me like if I go through all of this and I die anyway at the end CU if you die at the end of all of this after all the effort I've put iny must have done me he did like C but all I can do is like key [ __ ] it's soing I need to sort it at the fuse box and it'll keep shoren out okay I don't know if this is the right way to go find a way down like it the fuse box is over there oh wait this is the way to go I'm a Scotsman and I'm stupid okay it's always the same fuse that's broken maybe install Better third panels there you go cter weights are [ __ ] go just like [ __ ] Thunderbirds this reminds me a lot of alien isolation actually playing it like this Jesus Christ that was a close one W her is a [ __ ] Caz you should have known better if you had a brain you would have never effed around Joo see was like a modern-day Plato marus aelius you have got to be [ __ ] me okay we're fine we're fine write that down yep beautiful cars beautiful to leg D to leg B no I'm trying to get down Liga is this what a real oil rig looks like this looks very accurate for someone who's never been on one but thinks about them often o look at the water cosics yeah yeah shiny nice reactivate first tension winch I can't read Christ there it is right right right remove Safety Lock lockout pin reactivate winch mechanism you know I'm reading these but the game just tells me what to do anyway okay okay back to the winch controls you mean these cats that's it the cable's engaged glad you're all right it's uh no exactly very nice down here there's a [ __ ] understatement I've done the first cable you need to do the same in leg be through the right see you on the other side hope so pal why would you tell me to do that why low head room so no head Oh Billy bong no no he was the best of us God damn it [ __ ] how many more bodies are I don't know it kind of feels like there's more bodies than there were people working on this place feel like I saw everybody in the canteen earlier I'm seeing hundreds of bodies more exit the pontoons at this rate I'm very curious how I'm going to get off this rig if at all I got to get back and see Su the love of my life hello hello hello penis penis penis hello Christ creepy as [ __ ] down here down here I don't know who's doing your voice acting man but I [ __ ] love it I want to hear him in everything beauti what the [ __ ] going is this Su swe we flipped that one left this is unreal oh wait I can close it again did they even get there Ah that's [ __ ] how'd you get down here who are they excuse me who are you hello do you guys know that I fixed the Ley here I'll bring you back to your family wherever you are sorry yeah just stay over there I don't want to see you look I'm alive you're dead you're the one making me uncomfortable you guys don't really have to worry about a whole lot anymore sorry for your loss not really sorry for your loss of your life oh god oh no oh no how did that close no oh Christ [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] dude if I ever had to do anything like this I'm I'm [ __ ] dead when holding press to LEAP forwards I have no idea what you're talking about oh there's room to breathe there come come on I'm pressing the buttons it just told me and it's not doing anything oh oh oh oh oh oh I see I [ __ ] it up I'm probably dead I'm alive oh my God Caz you're Legend yeah we little Scotty you made it lad even though I [ __ ] all of that up woo we just made it out we saw death's Grim face explosive Hazard strictly no smoking ah me without my siggies in the event of drill string ruptured this area will collect petroleum overflow and must be evacuated immediately is that what all the shine is thought it was oil on the top of it but petroleum oil it's all a rich tapestry ah Christ poor guy oh no Jiminy Billy Bob I love that when I start running it's it's like I'm swatting away invisible flies no no I do not want to go in there [ __ ] two back has [Music] woohoo Christ how do I oh I don't think I was supposed to come in here how do I how do I anything hello I can't hello how do I I guess I'll [ __ ] die I didn't know what it's supposed to do I thought I was going to fly in that and then grab the bars and pull up but no cuz has one brain cell and it still hasn't activated warning danger to life debris screen must be raised before maintenance can be performed lever must be fully engaged wearing debris screen trap and Hazard okay I go through here got it got it all right lever must be fully engaged do I just pull this and then go oh I'm gripping all right here we go okay here we go again woohoo oh God oh God guys this is [ __ ] ridiculous no one should be asking you to do these things I keep waiting to pop up out of the water looking at the ladder and just have a creature be like here I am H I'm a Scottish monster ah Christ ah here we go lock locked what are you [ __ ] Christ C what are we supposed to do now grip I don't want to [ __ ] grip that anymore I don't want to grip it and rip it oh my God it's still Rising oh god oh what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do do I go through that door okay get a last gulp of air I don't want to do that it makes me uncomfortable okay can't do that for some reason I have near clue oh there's a gap swim C f for your life flee Flee for your lives yeah you got it you got it just a little further just a little further guys just a little further oh come on that's air that's [ __ ] air bro yes yes damn it he could have survived a little longer weak little baby lungs I say as someone who has asthma and can't breathe for [ __ ] where am I all right now I know where I'm going now we're Grant I would hate this as opposed to all the people who would go through this and love it okay doing grand now doing grand now I'm just waiting for the [ __ ] water to catch up how did I not see that the first time through come on C you blindo okay now I'm at the [ __ ] edge of it so I can't see [Music] [ __ ] all right all right cuz here we go beautiful beautiful lovely lovely oh lovely lovely a [ __ ] that was close H it makes my lungs weird makes my lungs feel like I can't breathe you know when you watch a movie and you're like you know you can breathe but the character can't so it feels like you can't sucks give me back the Ley where's the Ley I want to fix that instead oh now I can't look at water the same we can drink water it's fine oh but when you get submerged in it you drown [ __ ] evolution is that he's done the other one if we were perfectly evolved creatures Apex of this planet why can't we breathe underwater One open it can it just going to say C this flashlight kind of [ __ ] sucks also no theophobia [ __ ] off it was fine until now I literally have my knees welded together you know when you start getting the Willies from something and it feels like something's going to crawl up into your urethra so you have to close your legs uhhuh where do I go down here thank God for yellow paint thank you Uncharted 3 from normalizing yellow paint in games if that was the first I can't remember I just that's the first one I remember seeing can I I can where am I go up oh my God I couldn't [ __ ] see anything [ __ ] oil uhoh does that just say help me no no the [ __ ] is wrong with you can't even help myself I can't breathe man I can't breathe I feel like I need my [ __ ] inhaler right now you know what I'm I'm getting my inhaler I can't I can't do I'm I'm going to show you all this is a public service announcement for asthma so you all you all probably know the inhalers that are like and I've been on those my entire life but this is the new hotness this is the fost a next Haler it's like you know how you get Generations in consoles it's like oh PS5 NextGen this is NextGen inhaler you do this and then you suck powder out of it it doesn't activate and go into your lungs you have to suck it out yourself like this and then you have to hold it my lungs are good for a while you know this is literally the best inhaler I've ever had but I was supposed to be on four puffs of that a day and when I started doing that I started getting like crazy shakes in my hands like it was freaking me out I couldn't hold my hands steady I thought I was getting Parkinson's or something suddenly and then they were like oh no it's a side effect of your inhaler and I was like oh you also need to drink after you take it because it has stuff in it that can uh give you thrush of the throat I don't know what you guys would call that anyway I'm here to talk about chronic illnesses and normalize them go out and get a chronic illness today don't it sucks all your brain power goes into it and it's uncomfortable nice now I can breathe hello this is cool it's like um Annihilation they call it the Shimmer the Irishman you is that you h on lad top of the barn here oh Christ are those ribs oh Mary oh man what happened to you can you go and fetch Mary you can hear me can you you understand me [ __ ] Jesus I'm sorry I I can't help you s n get off me you [ __ ] wee bunny bastard I'm out I'm out sorry o Conor sorry sorry H sorry I'm not that sorry I was get off me I've seen enough [ __ ] henai to know what you're trying to do get away from me can I close this I can't love get the [ __ ] out of here I don't know man it's looking kind of bad can again can we just talk about how [ __ ] ridiculous oil rigs are our obsession with oil on this planet got to the point where we were like there's oil out in the ocean in the ocean floor let's build a a platform out there that goes all the way down that drills it out and we'll just put Lads on it and have them figure it out for themselves it's it's ridiculous we as a species are ridiculous okay there is get us [ __ ] over with [ __ ] okay that's we've done it so bad wow thanks for helping we'd all be gone won't you and I'm mean that well don't get r then just yet yeah you all would be [ __ ] without me that looks really cool I really like that it's a shimmery thing like that that it's not just the big black goopy that I thought it was going to be it's it's a lot more visually nice to look at was there a shotgun or something in here that I can use I don't want to jinx it I'll jinx it I'll say it right now I'll jinx it uh we haven't seen a monster in a while and I'm I'm well aware that I've just sealed my own fate wow I'm ascending into heaven through this is this the mean this is no this is not the main area don't like how slow that [Music] is I'm sure we're fine we'll make it I'll make it to the surface on this thing no problem wow oh so much of it I mean what we have to do something about it if we get off this rig isn't this just going to keep spreading everywhere all over the [Music] planet oh what do you know we made it to the top without incident [Music] I didn't expect that I thought something was going to pull us back down let me look at it a little more I want to bite it is that weird I want to eat it I want to I looks like beef jerky okay nice unreal the world's greatest Scotsman meanwhile Roy is still there being like ah a [ __ ] diabetes man why can't I do it this cold Jesus a broken wire a broken life that reminds me when I worked on um I didn't do many actually I only had one job really before I did YouTube um which was doing construction putting down Bridge beams they would put down the stencil mold um and put the wire like the wire the rebar the reinforced metal all along it so the thing was like a a weird shape it had this in the B it looked like an upside down te um and they would put these like t-shaped Metals all the way down along and this thing was like a 100 ft long actually probably way more than that um and then they would put the big metal things around it and then they would pour in the concrete and then you had to go down and um put like a it looked like a big dildo that you put down that vibrator to get out all the bubbles and they would stretch these really long like they had the T frame things all the way down in like struts and then they stretched these big metal cables all the way down along it and tensioned them and like really stretched them out to the point where they were like if one of these snaps you're not allowed to be near it cuz it'll snap and if it comes near you it'll literally like cleave you and two so that was really scary um and then one time they were doing it and I like a [ __ ] idiot had nothing else to do cuz I wasn't allowed be near when they were doing that so I was like I'll make myself look busy and clean up around the beds so halfway down the bed while everybody else was down the other side all taking cover to be like well now is the scary part I climbed over the metal that they were tensioning like that if that snap it would have split me like right down in half stupid absolutely stupid waste on the floor accidents Galore confined spaces can be lethal it's like the Nutty putty cave can I close doors I I don't like leaving doors open behind me in horror games I need to get warm Jesus oh is there a heater around here yeah nice you get out of this [ __ ] place no no we need to stay here thank Christ I about check on Roy nice that'll C the shakes Roy how are [Music] you Roy [ __ ] sake oh go might than the Lord I've been worri sick sorry pal I've been over the shop since I last seen you what's going on guys what happened with the chopper I tried to go without us but well it didn't it work out well for him or the bird bloody he anyone alive I I saw Finley we had to get the Jenny's on and bro as well helping with the tension legs do you know what my [ __ ] reg told you to take no time yeah I'm glad you've not been alone out there those two are all right I saw Connor he's one of these things but I thought [ __ ] I don't know what I thought but whatever it is folk are being turned into there's something of them still in there what's going on right it's all right it's just me being clumsy once I get my shot I'll be right as right do you need me to come and get you oh no I can do it show this rig out under wait to get us home see your girls all right hi you're a good lad car that's why Sue loves you she does you know she really loves you cuz hey sorry I have to go Roy will you make it to the cabins all right yeah I'm on the way now you uh be on yours I'm praying for you mate remember Jesus Loves You C everyone else thinks [Laughter] you're damn I didn't know we had like an air raid siren on this thing it's going off now after everything that's happened also I love looking out to this that's so cool looking but correct me if I'm wrong ooh hello okay don't want to get demonetized for that I've had to get all of the the CWS censored out as well you can say most swear words on YouTube as long as you don't say them back to back to back in like a string of expletives but as soon as you say the c-word anywhere in your video the entire thing will be demonetized there was one I said in the sorcery video I did towards the end and it was really quick entire 3-hour video demonetized because of that uh so we had to take it out um yeah correct me if I'm wrong but for diabetes like your insulin is really important like if your glucose is spiking you got to take your insulin to bring it back down but he'll be fine for like 24 hours right like it's not great to do that but I don't think he's going to die immediately the troller man I'm not [ __ ] reading this in the middle of a I was going to say a pandemic oh what no what hello hello anyone there here he is listen I I don't have long I left away my mom I had to get to she's hung me I'm going up my he is that you oh Jesus this once's trying to give me a kick in an all going to be a we boxer eh ah you wish I wish I could see you you're beautiful like this I well I feel like an elephant CH what is this s SH damn you're losing it C probably from all those times that I ran into the electricity and the beef jerky oh that's cool it's B weird that it's just clipping through the container but this is one damn good looking game can I get in here no can I do anything no the [ __ ] is making that noise Christ look at it do it Go bigger yeah you know it's in that now that's cool biblically accurate Scotland Shake that's oil dripping and everything one sparking [ __ ] I mean why sure one spark and it'll go up but it's not like I have a lighter on me I give it to Finley this you have to do I don't [Music] care Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] is happening to me you're losing your little Muppet legs also him saying one spark and all of that'll go up that gives me an idea oh oh checkov lighter at the beginning we gave it to Finley and at the end now we're going to be like I giz a we smoke and me and Finley are going to be at the and be like you're a good L cuz I you definely and then and then we're both going to blow up and he's going to be like I love you sus he's going to think of his girls or he might just get off this and he'll be the world's best dad SL partner who [Music] knows finally another person God Almighty Roy [ __ ] hell how you doing better than you by the looks of it did you see any others you mean anyone alive I spoke to Roy he's no ding great without his insulin and have no idea where Finley is now I spoke to her a few minutes ago she's stuck until she gets past renck or what used to be renck it feels like everybody's deed or worse I don't know about your side of the ponon but where I was the oil tanks are burst and I think there a gas leak I mean I'm looking for a [ __ ] bright side here well let's cross that bridge when we come to it all right right now we have to deal with a stack [Music] [Applause] noise it's a dare all right the stack I'm kind of thinking the flare shouldn't be looking like that no I meain feed's ruptured it's burning out it could get worse and if it does it could spread to the Derek and cause an explosion right so we're [ __ ] again not if we switch the flare onto the auxiliary gas pipe if you go over to the processing quad I can what have you seen it out there oh I it's quite nice in here you know maybe we should swap you can he walk the controls C otherwise I of course i' go myself Christ all right all right what am I doing you need to get there and find the diver valve m to the auxiliary it's on the middle floor flare side I'll ignite the St from here right if I can he do it then you'll need this Jesus I'll be on the tanoy if you need any help good luck cuz great man [ __ ] everyone I I I don't ask for much but after doing all of this for everybody I demand to be sucked off by everybody when this is all done it's the least you can do du the radio up but no signal no [ __ ] nothing you know what we have to do this is our [ __ ] problem Finly okay okay I guess I'll go okay I guess there's no [ __ ] point to that all right see you later processing quad why does he sound like that now he didn't sound like that before if I have to climb out on that I'm going to be pissed a there chice or a dare he sounds creepy is he going to be even more [ __ ] up are they still evolving into whatever they are he looks the same no Christ no one's here it's fine there's no way you can hear me there's so much [ __ ] noise going on with the ocean and the rain anyway [ __ ] happens all the time and I still get shocked by it that was a close one I these are never [ __ ] helpful to me am I going up or down [Applause] down where is [Applause] he uh-oh uhoh uhoh hey buddy boy oh okay okay down please occupied maximum weight limit reached can I get out what [ __ ] s I'm Wai in the clearing okay yeah why not I'm just going to go out here what's that I just Crouch oh God oh God what do I do what do I do there's nowhere to go let's go back down here he's so weird you from me would you to [ __ ] he looks like a pancreas I or a liver [ __ ] cool how am I supposed to get past that okay let's try make as little noise as possible is he coming back already are you [ __ ] kidding me what am I supposed to do okay let's let him go away away which he is decidedly not doing what the [ __ ] there's nowhere to hide along here I can heal okay wait let's just get caught by him and it'll reset whatever's going on just in case anything's broken just in case his AI paing can't see go oh I can go around more work [Music] power want you turn sometimes the weat hit boxes are a bit enough the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] and you really looked out that they're attracted to sound like that that sounds creepy to your own TR my C yeah bollocks [Applause] you're not the back you oh god oh I God Jesus oh [ __ ] he can't get me can he okay where two next where two next okay okay okay oh my God I didn't see this here thank [ __ ] you SC you what's that okay yeah go get that go get that okay oh he has so many eyes on him this [ __ ] sucks what's happening are you all right well actually I was going to say shut up but maybe actually keep making noise can I burn him now that I think think about it I mean maybe but I could probably just sneak by him anyway where's he going oh no no no no nothing else to throw in here there he goes I want to Sprint so bad but I think he'll catch me okay I some words to makeing noise guys looks like it okay I think I'm safe in here oh Jesus those sections are so tense I can see the feet switching here glad you're all right I've started the ignite give it a sh ah I can't see anything of course you can't cuz I'm not that [ __ ] lucky no it's not working the gas is blown back toward the rig I'm sorry guys I need you to do it manually it's too dangerous to leave it you'll have to head out onto the stack and use the reighter I gave you [ __ ] of course I have to go onto that yeah wave or something so I know you're receive it prick God I mean now that the [ __ ] controls aren't working up there can't you go do it it's always [ __ ] me me and my flathead screwdriver oh man I'm so lucky to have you screwdriver you're the best thing that's ever happened to me in this game no of course oh God okay okay okay okay okay okay okay that [ __ ] sucks okay why did they give me the option of looking back I should not be doing that Christ [Music] C hernia hernia Jes this [ __ ] flare fired oo yeah go up there yeah stand around that [ __ ] I'm doing this [ __ ] yeah baby got his [ __ ] ass wo okay okay he grabbed me for a second how the [ __ ] do I get out of here am I good for [ __ ] sake a then what's the [ __ ] point of doing any of it if it's going to collapse can you heal me please I'm trying there's a cut [Music] scene wait I didn't die did i g p oh I'm sorry love I'm not being difficult I'm just trying to pick up the pieces of your mess he wouldn't he let it go okay he's carried a [ __ ] torch for you since school he's always hated me for being the bigger man and for having you in those beautiful [ __ ] ways oh no bigger man you are [ __ ] me m you're the bigger man you think your old daughter's got more brains and bigger B and you have what with the kids the fats in your name you got B and they just take it away listen s come on no no you just shut at M and sit your ass down and you you just listen to me how come we not just talk about this because I am smarter than you that's why and I will not I will not let you drive those girls done with you you sort this whatever you have to do I don't care you sort this or I will leave you you understand serious look I'm really sorry God just enough okay just just get out my sight time not to put anyone else in hospital the day yeah that might make a nice change for you damn you must have really [ __ ] that dude up I'm kind of with her C sorry no I didn't mean why' you have ah s Jesus Christ a [ __ ] Jesus we're upside down C Jesus Christ bastard oh look at the waves cool oh [ __ ] Christ that is my God that's the thing that caused it all the [ __ ] drill oh look at the way the rain swirls around very cool very epic very Unreal Engine this game's great it's got so much atmosphere to it like everything's fairly straightforward but that's what I wanted like when I got into playing the game I was like all I want is like a really good story like linear experience with some scares in it and that's exactly what I'm getting of course you can't open that that looks so cool serious what is this [ __ ] stuff do to me yeah I wonder how it's oh screwdriver Jesus I wonder how it's getting inside my brain like that I mean I have walked into it a lot so maybe it's infected with my memories o that's scary looking there's going to be no oil rig left after all of this oh I didn't even see that woo every time at least the dare's gone the racist bastard oh please tell me you open Christ what were they up to R if you read this I'll meet you in engineering I did my bit your plan better work last chance yeah what are you guys doing is there something you're not telling [Music] me engineering do I get to do the luy down here easy easy easy I don't have me SE legs yet what also I think I just realized that Ley means electricity am I am I an electrician doing the Lecky the electricity Finley no way through engineering is full of oil we can do this I don't want to give up we can get out we lost Cass but we can sort this out don't do anything stupid broy they think I'm dead I mean to be fair I was on a thing that just exploded and fell I wonder if these other bastards have to dodge monsters like I do feel like every 2 minutes I'm out here fending for my life [ __ ] sake what what's happening finally Jesus Christ clear how the [ __ ] are you no dead I thought I was you f to help Christ k can anything help I if we can cut ourselves loose and quite like we buy us time maybe enough do we even know if anyone's coming we've been off radio for us so I I should hope so friendly good let's cat thought he's a walking greeting Miracle are we doing this or no I we float to rig I'll dive down and release the tension cables hopefully we balance out maybe end up higher in the water I'll need you both at Marine control it's Ro hello can anyone hear me my stuck up it so [ __ ] hot on the accommodation roof I don't know how long I can look you without insing he's up on the roof I have to get him is anybody out there you have to get to Marine control with fin please it's a Twan job and we don't have much time you think Roy does I can't of just leave him I promised I'd get him home ah let him go fine if you want to go go but this place is filling up with gas and oil from the drill to the Derek God knows where else it's leaking to I can't recommend it I know broy but I'm going I have to engineering's your only path up there and it's flooded so you'll have to swim It's a Long Way plan each step and if you're underwater stay calm oh that's exactly how that will go enough you both know what you're doing so let's go that you br your ner all right M I'm coming Roy I'll find you oh God I didn't see this all behind me hold on just need a little oh yeah I just needed to touch the bubbles for a second Christ this sucks this just [ __ ] sucks this is a horrible situation to be in like Roy I know you need your insulin and everything and I'm not W to knock on that but surely you can like go somewhere look at those hands it's all tentacl out I love that that's a really cool thing that it does when the creatures walk by and all the tentacles shoot out everywhere [ __ ] thing's locked of course it is everything's locked nothing's easy for me okay what if I Dash Okay okay it just completely [ __ ] broke for some reason what the [ __ ] grab it what is happening I see I'm [ __ ] dead for sure hello oh my God that was clunky as all hell now this one he said if you're underwater don't panic but has he been underwater kind of hurt not to panic you can't breathe or see or know what you're doing okay hopefully I can get up this yeah imagine it's [ __ ] freezing in that water is it going to shake no we're good seriously Batman has never climbed around this much spider C r's are oil in here there must be a leak somewhere [ __ ] that's all we need um I assume hold on let me just oh yeah sorry I just need to defib my heart for a second make sure I'm still alive make sure I'm still feeling you know why can't I oh I can't you can also turn off that yellow paint signifier if you want to I just don't mind it that much but I know a lot of people hate when there's yellow paint telling you where to go in games but for something like this I feel like it's kind of important because you can get lost underw quite easily like right now oh God this is the long way to go okay okay okay taking a lot of big risks jumping into water like that not knowing if you can actually get out it looks like fish fins the edges of it or like a fish's sail up its back what do you call that is that a fin you know the some fish have like retractable ones that come up on their back wait is this have I been here before [ __ ] wait I was pressing it oh God oh God oh God [ __ ] where am I oh I think I went backwards oh you might as well [ __ ] die now CZ I have no idea where I am well this looks good uhoh uh-oh oh my God okay wait so was that supposed to happen was I supposed to fall there cuz I was pressing the the button and I thought it [ __ ] up but I guess maybe that was the point safe as houses half dead but I'm still alive baby still kicking Cass is going to outlive everybody I swear to God if I die after all of that effort so [ __ ] cold okay oh heater kind of like that [ __ ] nightmare again if you're into this Vibe got to get real come on well it's hard to get now [ __ ] sake but I remember playing cryostasis back when I I mean ages ago I think it was even before I started doing you YouTube enough waiting around but it's a hard game to get now I don't think they I don't think it's on any platforms anymore um I think I had a physical copy and I don't own it [Music] anymore I think I lost it when I was moving but if you if you want to play it I mean there are ways of getting it just saying is this the way forward no back there well let's see if there's anything down here no um but cryostasis is a really good game it has this kind of atmosphere to it you're in like a a facility in the middle of a snowy area and the water's really cold and it's a cool game look at that that is some weird [ __ ] man you're telling me I feel sick Christ look at this guy I thought that was his toes sticking out Christ that stuff is rank did the guy get to finish his shower or did he get killed by this stuff I hope he got to finish his shower wait where am I going oh these are Big vents there's another one near me we still have trots we have renck and we have Gibble [ __ ] oh look at all the ribs oh someone's head says number [Music] three the other side down [ __ ] somewhere okay so I just came from those showers I need to go to the other side he where do I go how do I get out of here I mean the map probably just told me and I didn't pay attention to it can I go under this nay oh hold on oh flathead screwdriver let's go [ __ ] yeah I knew it couldn't be that complicated oh Jesus [ __ ] poor bastard wait is that the guy who took a shower I can't see any bits of human in this I love that it kind of [ __ ] up used the there oh sorry oh you're in the roof now I see your face okay [ __ ] it's like I'm playing mouse trap with myself it's like a Ru Goldberg machine I hear breathing I didn't mean to fall down SE hey I didn't mean to fall down there I turned and he fell down on his own he's still up here oh who was that I don't know which one that is oh y Jesus [ __ ] poor bastard e he's got his lad out who is that oh that's creepy ah he didn't even get to eat a sandwich [ __ ] bacon batty is that what you call it that doesn't sound right bacon buddy this look [ __ ] I'm from Ireland not the UK I don't know how the [ __ ] you guys say things over here [ __ ] oh what the hell how did they get like that Christ the TRS do this why would he rip their arms off why would you do that he was just reading a [ __ ] thing about football there's that picture again he tried to shove cans down his head roof access I'm so close tr's just [ __ ] scooting around [ __ ] hell what are you opening for m- look that [ __ ] weird arm hell no me and my Flathead are getting out of [Music] here Christ Jesus [ __ ] now he's looking for me this is going to be locked right yeah no it's locked this looks like the guy he was taking the shower he's all nudie no let a man shower in peace uh-oh uhoh okay I can't go any faster in here TRS no where am I going [ __ ] [ __ ] w no I don't want to play CHR okay I'm for some reason you didn't follow me down but that's good oh you got you when you were in bed oh you are with pictures of your loved ones so maybe you just gave up just chase me he like M CL have I been in these rooms I don't think I have Roy's insulin is here oh look at that yeah so we're in 1975 in this game it's not in like current time cuz you always have to set stuff in the past now otherwise it's like why aren't you guys using like mobile phones to talk to people yep that's [ __ ] bad who whoa whoa whoa whoa I'm going nice I'm not [ __ ] sorry how the hell would I have say saved him heat [ __ ] trots two down c 2 N going into the second half excuse me up here what the [ __ ] is going on Jesus let moving all the other place damn that's crazy God amazing oh this would have been nicer if you didn't have the giant back [ __ ] icon in the middle let's move that to the bottom left or something so people can experience the the beauty chist Roy Roy Roy talk to me back mine come on come on Roy R wake up you prick oh thank God please wake up wake up come on oh you bastard he's dead don't leave me here please back M come on by Christ don't leave me s don't leave me I can't do this man I'm scared Ro I'm [ __ ] terrified what am I going to [Music] tell are you going to [ __ ] kill me my she loved you big man she really loved you so that my ghetto what we going to [Music] tell oh sorry your Uncle Roy is not coming him I I know me and OE I love this SP man you hear me don't well that [ __ ] sucks after going through all of that after almost dying multiple times to keep you alive to keep you safe and you [ __ ] die at the last [Music] hurdle who's this it's fly cuz you got to good look cuz the water's up to admin so I couldn't get to Marine control you need to try and get there from where you are where Jesus and that English bastard better coming off he can't stay in that hot forever no guys guys you still there when you do shouting I start to worry like making a f put him on I'll get him TT guys [ __ ] sake what's going on Ro's no coming ah Jesus God did make it I was too late [ __ ] I'm sorry guys you know what we all love the big man I'll let him do he was relying on me no no no you did everything you could you been back for him none of this is your fault there's not anyone's look I'm sorry C but we need your help here we're all [ __ ] going down otherwise he I want half this [ __ ] Rick good then you need to find a way across the deck get to Marine control room and call me when you get there and I'll talk you through it all right right I'm not I don't really like that he died it kind of makes so much of what I was going through as the character now feel pointless I mean not really but it just kind of like deflated things a little bit that and the fact that maybe it's CU I have a cat that has insulin and a diabetes and stuff but I'm like if we don't give him his insulin like he's fine for a while it's not good for him not to have insulin but I don't think you're going to die immediately without it maybe it's different in people I don't know but having them be like I need my insulin can't you just eat some [ __ ] Jam or something I'm like that's that's opposite glucose goes high from Jam you need insulin to bring it back down cuz your body doesn't produce it right I don't know [ __ ] Roy it's upset me I'm going through so much as K everyone's [ __ ] asking so much of me and I'm going through so many things and now he [ __ ] dies what am I supposed to do what am I going to tell Sue oh I don't know tell her that a [ __ ] demon from Beyond reached up from the ocean and killed most of the rig and it's lucky that I survived at all yeah it sucks Roy died but so did many many many other people and I'm within a sliver of luck that I managed to survive this has it even got to hold oh for [ __ ] sake well right this is for you big man [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I might be joining you soon Ah that's cool looking though steady Christ I don't trust this thing at all are you going to walk in the outside of this come on Cass holy [ __ ] oh I hear voices do you think there's like a main creature or is it just if that such stuff touches you it latch is on and changes you but there's no oh [Music] god oh that's lucky but there's no like main creature doing it all what the [ __ ] is that over there like I don't think this stuff is sentient on its own it just is you're fine C don't worry you're in safe hands you're in jack up the guy's hands I never let anything back happened to you except for all those other times I let something bad happen to you and you died several times but not anymore C we're not going out like Roy okay okay [Music] okay can you near run car [Music] ow well it seems like there's only three of us left on this whole rig Christ it's way above my pay grade this I don't think we're I think we're way past that guys I don't think the lucky [ __ ] matters anymore these switches are intended for emergency use only tension leg cable controls must be disabled before using these switches ensure all Personnel have left pontoon areas before using the switches okay Jesus [ __ ] Rob not you at all nice and slow it's all right I just need to make a call yeah all here we go he have three arms I don't think he gives a [ __ ] cuz wait where am I walking to say here St here and cry yourself to sleep oh to this could even see it I'm at Marine control I'm uh I'm not alone [ __ ] is it that bastard Ric no no no Jesus Jesus it's it's rer he's all messed up C listen to me right listen all right we need to keep it together all right just tell me what to do there only two switches you just have to find them first find the balast operations panel there'll be a switch here to put it into manual control you flip that switch go do that and then I'll talk you through the next part all right all right I'll look for the switch okay why is it locked [ __ ] sake yeah everything's [ __ ] locked okay is there there's no like key box around here right well maybe there is need chance bear Call Finley oh come on it's locked oh [ __ ] there a key you're good [ __ ] news son roer okay can I get ah it's all right pal oh it's in your hand I'll look after this now all right K keep renic away I forgot that he's still alive okay what next next switch is it Manual's next now you flood the forward p and I mean flood it to the [ __ ] brim hold on a minute the P are F full oil and gas this might push it all up to the deck we don't have a choice the whole R could tap over flood that Pon will at least give us a fight chance what about bro is heo down there he'll be out of there by now he's done his part we just have to do what it's coming I killed him away what was that it's rer never mind him flood the forward p i I hang on I like that Finley's no [ __ ] just look everybody's dead just get it done we can mourn them afterwards but he said uh thing he's on his way [Music] right back to familyy okay that was easy easiest thing we've done so far all right that's done now what a it come on come on come on what it's moving did it work [ __ ] ey see not the was after thank C Christ finally what now br's got a plan meet us and drill Ops as soon as you can okay I'll meet you there we're going to be all right C I [ __ ] hope so oh I don't know I just realized I have no idea how get off me you're a dirty bastard I have no idea how oil rigs work like they're floating are they connected to the ground are you can separate them from something and make them float away and it seems like they're burning off gas with that flare thing maybe I should look up a video about how oil rigs work after this now I'm intrigued you're go for [ __ ] sake what is wrong with you [ __ ] am I losing my M yeah probably letd say you've been losing it for the best part of an hour oh no oh God what do I do straight through oh s aneurysm [ __ ] hell we're fine we're fine we're fine just make it up C just make it up I don't know where we're going ah fair play to we got a lot of close calls CS close call C that's what we should call you get off me well renick's definitely going to come for us at least once more sh sh it's okay don't think about it just don't think about it don't think about the horror don't think about the horrible things that are happening all around you all the time just go just live you have to live cads oh oh I don't want to die oh c can you swim faster please you're making me so anxious all the [ __ ] time get out get out get out why can't I get out get out I might oh maybe I'm not supposed to get out oh God I don't want to be here [Music] anymore this is the fastest I can swim [Music] okay not so bad look at that big mouth what it's [ __ ] don't get out of here either okay exit convenient thank you Game I like that though gives me something to like the lighting through the door and everything it's a good way of pointing the game forward so I'm not getting confused oh Jesus is this Su s s what's you I can't even find curse you bail I Hear My Vow you will Ru this day who's that who's that is that renck huh Rin Hemorrhage I've been so close so often just let it end let me live God my brain my brain don't work anymore I don't know where I'm going I can't see Ze save me Zeus Christ am I alive is it over Jesus don't think about it don't think about it that's what I've been saying don't think about it every time you do you got brain aneurysm oh that's renck is this fat head going to burn through something at some point [ __ ] fad renck it turned me around okay this is the fastest I can go I'm so dead I'm so dead the game's going to kill me oh my God ah seagull horses wait I actually did die it was seagull okay okay it faced me the right direction this time last time it just automatically turned me around ah now you're miles away now I'm not even worried this is light work this is just a [ __ ] jog for me now last time it was 100 met Sprint get off me you don't even pay me minimum wage I'll let you [ __ ] die I'll let you die I'll let you rot I'll let you suffer I don't [ __ ] care you would have done it to me no empathy straight to jail okay A little bit of air little bit of air will do you good Jesus that was [ __ ] you rest in peace Christ I've go get [ __ ] over here yeah yeah I would like that between staying here and getting out of here I would like that yes Cass yes yes King Finley thank [ __ ] Finley what's going on Finley you all right is Brody dead C you made it Ry what's wrong with Finley she's freaked out here listen Cass there's no much time going to sacrifice himself there's oil and gas getting in here when it fills it will be headed right up the drill pipe what you on about I'm still in the pontoons I've only got a couple of minutes I can even stop it there R's a time bomb now you understand one spark and you need to find a way off just get back up here and we'll work it out yeah I can't do that what I can't get back up no wait I'm sorry wait listen you're on your own now I'll come to you all right no you won't you wouldn't even get halfway to me the legs flooded and the gas it's not possible you got your dive gear I so you can use that it's oil C there's nothing to be done [ __ ] say that I knew the risk when I came down here [ __ ] I can't of lose you as well listen I'm all right C I'm I'm already back on Sky you've never seen water like that c clear peaceful you just let go and everything's fine that sounds beautiful you go one day all right oh [ __ ] that I'm never swimming again after [Music] this C you and Finley you can do this all right I'm sure she wouldn't do something so stupid R you there C what's stupid talk to me it's getting higher H I'm here broy I'm not going anywhere R I'm here get [Applause] him oh [ __ ] no Jesus that was a sad one [Music] [ __ ] how is this happening what we there now fell didn't it [ __ ] matter he's de you don't think that matters he was always going to die Bo them always we see that we've been [ __ ] about with the Lakey and Pon tunes and I W ma watch new P turn monsters never once never [ __ ] once have we tried to do what needed to be done blow it all up I'm me I'm in the nurse [ __ ] no come back oh God Finley no we can talk about this Finley we are minut Jesus come back you're not thinking straight that [ __ ] is that the [ __ ] water Christ I mean I wanted to blow it all up too but can we like get off first off any of these you hear me can I oh God come on I shouldn't have given her the light [Music] her you guys keep talking about like one spark and it all goes up and look at that there's been fire everywhere all the [ __ ] time we have to fight that we come on [ __ ] [ __ ] sake Finley come on thing I I mean if she wants to do that I say let her and we find a way off I look I'm sorry my empathy and my sympathy are out an all time low after I've gone through so much [ __ ] for other people in this game bro's the only one friendly this is cool though this is very uh who look at that this is like a movie God everything's [ __ ] thrashing around am I going this way that looks sick [ __ ] Battlefield Evolution no what happened did you get crushed Jesus finally oh no f h guys I'm here finally I'm here guys that didn't work out too well for you did itn't you here when is close who do I hear Christmas card I hear my wife I just want to get back to her finally to my wings I hear my boy when he was we you know I hear him [ __ ] kid he's singing we not seeing him again guys there's got to be a [ __ ] coming you you said it yourself Christ God we don't want him coming Jesus I'm sorry F I don't know what we do got face it cuz what do you mean now we can get back we can bet no stop us [ __ ] sake mclear for once day life be brave be brave for him you can't save yourself but you can save him Jesus finally you want to leave it a [Music] chance f c in the mean land you know I'm right I'm always [ __ ] right oh Christ Christ it's not that far off what I predicted all I right for oh Finley we did a 180 pretty fast on that didn't we Finley no we can't do that all right finally I'll blow it all up oh here I come you big Behemoth [ __ ] hi vow you will Ru this day God it looks cool get a c [ __ ] ignite [Music] it are we heading in to fight the Elden Beast oh God it's like being in the Alien Hive actually it does remind me a lot of annihilation that's cool I love Annihilation you can hear it's heartbeat or whatever that is God almighty had chance I love seeing it like undulate up it's [ __ ] cool I'm sorry seus so so sorry wow [Music] you don't recognize me do you no sorry love you know me you could say that it's been a long time though car hold Susan laugh at you for [ __ ] sake is that you the very same Christ car but you look no different I've still got the nose eh well looks like someone did a good job as spread about your face oh with a big man a drink Jesus C because I really want to be thinking about B right right now he looks after me he [ __ ] adors you you know well I am easy to love clam and mle yeah I'm finding that shut up great Suki J I do those S I [ __ ] love you I love you more than anything in this whole world have B por you're not so bad yourself all things considered M me what I'm serious marry me we make beautiful wngs I want to spend my whole life with [Music] you she's perfect she looks just like you thank God for that she's got your eyes though my dad's eyes I'm sorry cuz I you'd have wanted him to meet up n [ __ ] him bastard wasn't interested in me why would he care about her we love J we ass I'll never leave you Su I'll be at your side forever and I'm always going to be here for this [Music] Wayne that's sad the [ __ ] what's going on okay oh these are real ass pictures are these from like the dev team I wonder catch the winds for me tell them I'll be back for Christmas oh it's just the morning he left sorry s hey car I'm sorry it's been so hard I just wanted to send you this to see we'll get through it I know we will just take care out there and bring my beautiful big gas man back home in one piece okay I miss you and I love you and the girls mess and love you I'm still raging at Roy but he's a good man and I know he'll look after you whatever happens we will be all right we can weather this just wanted to say that to you guys to keep you safe and close and make sure you know to come home to us I love you Cameron mle be safe out there on the those Waters my man my love wow got quite emotional there at the end [Music] that was great I really really enjoyed that it's one of those games that again it's exactly what I wanted when I saw when this was announced and I heard people talking about it like Evelyn was suggesting it I was like I just want a really tight linear story experience where I can get some Thrills out of it and I got exactly that and even more I like it looked way better than I expected it to I guess cuz it's just Unreal Engine 5 we're starting to get to that point where a lot of games are starting to use Onre Engine 5 properly now and it starts to look amazing even just by default um but the sound design was really good as well but the thing that really really blew me away was all the [Music] actors like so many of them were voice acting Alec Newman as Cass he was [ __ ] phenomenal I don't recognize any of them but all of their voice acting was like I think because they're all authentic and they all sound authentically from where they're supposed to be from like Scotland and Ireland and things like that that it just really like sucked me into the atmosphere so easily but they were all so good at what they were doing that I just believed them like I they felt like fully fleshed out fully believable characters and the way they were kind of like jabbing at each other it felt like the humor wasn't forced it felt like that's how people like that would actually talk to each other I don't know it just it felt really authentic and I love that that I I think this is some of the best voice acting in the industry for such a small game but yeah the um I love the rig the fact that they it felt like they just 3D modeled the entire rig and I was like okay how do we get around this thing like it didn't feel like um they were just making up environments as you went or like hallways or something like that like it felt it felt like the whole thing was fully realized and I couldn't nitpick certain things like it was a bit not like fetch questy but a bit like K you're going to have to go here and do this and that did get a little tedious after a while but I didn't really mind it I liked the environments that I was exploring I liked hiding away from the monsters and stuff it was very thrilling um yeah it was great I like that whole thing the song is really nice as [Music] well um some of the things like the believability of what the character was doing like jumping and grabbing the helicopter and stuff like that maybe that was a bit much but again I I thought it was exhilarating enough that I don't really care about [Music] that um and I think this is probably the best game the Chinese room have done cuz they did Dear Esther back in the day and I remember playing that and well playing it that was that was the first time I had heard the term walking Simulator for games and a lot of people hated it I think it was originally a half-life mod and then they turned it into a fully fleshed out game but it was very much like uh you're kind of stretching the boundaries of what a game is there was a lot of conversation around it nowadays we have so many games that have pioneered things um like journey and Dear Esther and there's there's a bunch of games that are now they're more artistic than they are interactive and I think what a game is as long as it's artistic and as long as people enjoy it and as long as there's an audience for it it doesn't really matter or like as long as somebody likes the game I don't really care who you're really making it for it would be like me trying to make this content if I'm trying to make it for everybody not really making it for anybody then I want to make stuff for me and then sharing that Artistry and that love of Aesthetics and things for like if other people then like what I'm uploading it means that you will like the stuff that I like so they made Dear Esther and then they made Amnesia machine for pigs a lot of people didn't like that either I think it probably shouldn't have been an Amnesia game but it did feel like it was ahead of its time I feel like if you go back and play it now you'd be like that's great it was the same with the Order 1886 that came out a lot of people hated it cuz it was just Bare Bones shooting mechanics and it was over really quick and people were like I thought this was like a 15-hour game but now we have so many of those types of games that it just felt like they came out at the wrong time like somebody has to be the first to do these things and get backlash for it um and now I'm glad that games like this exist and then they went ahead and did everybody's gone to the Rapture which wasn't really my thing I Tred to like that game and I like the writing is good and I think the overall story of what they were trying to do was good but I think the format of it was a bit wrong but I think this is the best game they've made I think there was fun enough gameplay in it but the designs and the scares and everything were really cool there's nothing wrong with like a really on Rails horror game every now and then I would love to be able to make a game like this so I think they did a great job good job the Chinese room and I did like the story in the end it can be a bit like a lot of the stuff in the game was really predictable but again I don't think predictability is a bad thing either I don't know why people have such a hard time thinking like like that's what Comfort movies are Comfort games like you play them because they're predictable because there's nothing jumping out at you and I like that I don't know why people have such a hard time just accepting that certain things that are predictable don't doesn't mean it's bad not everything needs a twist it doesn't need something new or different or unique or groundbreaking cuz at the end of it I did feel quite emotional like I had to gather myself for a second cuz I was like if I sit in this for a second longer I'll probably cry so the stuff with Su and the kids and everything like it's just enough to keep you in it and keep you driving forward and keep you like yeah we got to get back we got to we got to see our kids again and then him sacrificing himself at the end like it's enough I think it was great I liked it quite a bit um and I can see why so many people were asking me to play it and I'm glad I did I'm glad people were I mean I was going to play it anyway people were really hounding me for this game sometimes I get it's like oh play this play that play this but there was a lot of people asking for this game so I'm glad I did did play it eventually um it just took me a bit to get around to it Nvidia RTX wow dlss frame generation saving the planet I don't know what I'm waiting around for I think oh I can just hold to fast forward I think there's going to be nothing else I think we're fine yeah we're good okay well that was still wakes the deep I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did let me know down in the comments suggest some other stuff I love experiences like this where we can get in play an entire game in one quick sweep and then we're good and then we're out great lovely wonderful love it thank you bye-bye

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