I simulated a LEGO SCHOOL...

 I simulated a LEGO SCHOOL...

these are 100 Lego children but today we're going to be educating them because I'm going to build a giant Lego school with classrooms teachers and everything else that a school could need so anyway let's go let's begin by introducing the students who will soon be going to the school this kid looks like that one bully who's going to make me give him his lunch money there's also the one spoiled rich kid the cool popular kid the nerdy kid the emo kid that one kid who got held back 10 grades and finally the class clown wait no no I didn't mean it like now before we begin building the school the first thing that our students need are school supplies so let's quickly run to the store and purchase them okay step one complete now we have all the essentials like pencils these notebooks backpacks and lunch boxes and for these I just use briefcases and now that our students have their school supplies they're ready to start learning and getting smarter so it's time to begin building the Lego school and we have a lot of land to build it on so we have no time to waste the first thing I'm going to build is the entrance to the school so I built this long hallway where soon all the classes for the school are going to go I added lockers that way the students can put their valuables away a vending machine full of drinks drinking fountains a bell so people can know when class is over and a speaker so the principal can make announcements and now that our school has begun we can now introduce the first staff members that will be working here like the principle The Janitor the school nurse and School nurses love ice so I even gave her some ice and I also o built all the teachers who will soon be teaching the different subjects here but most importantly every school needs a name so I'm going to name it plastic Valley Elementary because it makes sense since Lego is literally plastic okay now that our school has begun it's time to build the first subject on our list which is math so in this corner of the school I'm going to build a Lego math class inside I built this desk for the teacher with a computer this chalkboard that way he can explain things to the class and I even built all these desks for the students and now that our first class is complete it's time for the students to have their first day of school but to get to school they need a school bus so that's the next thing we need to build okay so I built this school bus which has a removable roof and inside are plenty of seats we all know the loud annoying kids are going to sit in those back ones there's a spot up front for the bus lady to drive and this door that way kids can get on and off the bus so now we can send off the bus to go pick up kids from their houses and bring them to school okay everybody is now in school and these people already took their first quiz and they got their grades back and now that that's finished it's time for them to progress to the next period on our list which is science class so next to the math class I'm going to build a Lego science laboratory where people are doing different experiments like this kid is dissecting a piece of chicken this kid's looking at stuff through a microscope and this kid's trying to make a potion what the heck is he mixing and now that the students are getting smarter I think it's time to reward them with a quick session of recess yes everyone's favorite time during school so in this area of the school I'm going to build a Lego playground okay now we can start adding things that a playground would have the first thing I built is this giant slide and to build the actual slide I'm using this giant Duplo piece but fun fact it actually fits perfectly with real Lego bricks I also built this working swing and this Carousel that can rotate okay let's see how fast we can spin [Music] it no way bro is so nonchalant about that I also built one of those spring chairs you sit on that go back and forth and to build the actual spring that makes it work I use this flexible twopiece and the final thing I'm going to add is the Seesaw that I built using a long plate okay now that the playground is finished I think that's enough play time so on to the next class our next subject is English class so time to build the next classroom to add to our school I use these special tiles with letters to build the alphabet and up front there's two kids giving a class presentation okay just by looking at this presentation I can tell one person didn't even contribute and the other person probably finished it the night before okay now to continue building this school it's going to cost money so I think this school should have its very own fundraiser so to do that I built this wagon and I'm going to fill it up with cookies so now the students can go knock on people's doors and sell them and now that the cookies have been sold we have lots of money and I feel like I'm going to WAP music video so we're ready to continue expanding the school and the next thing that every school needs is its own bathroom so in this space I'm going to build two bathrooms one for girls and one for boys but of course everyone knows how scary it can actually be going into a school bathroom because while you're trying to go there's a chance that one random kid will spawn and try looking underneath the stall at you the next thing the school needs is its own Library so next to the bathroom I built a small library and I built these books using tiles in the back there's a quiet Zone where people can read where I added these two couches and this relaxing looking wall which Looks Like A Sky Full of clouds and when you're ready to check out your books you can come up to this desk where there's a librarian ready to scan them okay the next class we're going to build for our school is PE class because instead of exercising our brains we're now going to exercise our bodies so I built a Lego gymnasium with a basketball court and one of the most popular PE activities of all time is dodge ball so I have these tiny balls and now we can give them to the students so they can play uh-oh this kid needs to go to the nurse's office but we actually haven't built a nurse's office yet so that's the next thing we need to make there's a chair for patients to lay down in and everyone knows that School nurses love ice so I actually built an entire cooler full of it so now the school nurse can get to work oh yes perfect actually no he needs more every school needs its own sports and the most popular sport in the world is soccer so why not give this school it's very own soccer team I built this team of students and they're ready to play but they need a place to practice so so outside in front of the school I'm going to build a soccer field with two goals that I use these nets to build but most importantly every team needs its own mascot to represent it so what about the Lego City hot dogs okay that's very embarrassing we're definitely getting bullied for that what about the Lego City chickens yeah no not that either or the Lego City sharks oh yeah that's more like it sounds very tough and now that our team is ready we can send them off to play their first game and while they do that let's build the next class to add to our school which art class inside there's a table where people can paint and it looks like they're already working on their first assignment there's a cabinet in the back with bottles of paint and in the very corner there's a bin where students have to put their phone because no phones are allowed in class nope okay now before sending the students off to their next class it's time for a quick lunch break so in the middle of the school I'm going to build a cafeteria where they're going to eat it looks like this table is where all the popular kids are sitting and for today's meal it's apples and pizza and now that the students have eaten their brains are nourished and they're ready to continue their day okay every school has bad kids like this kid who's cutting in line at lunch this kid who's using his bathroom pass to play games on his phone and this kid's pushing another kid off the slide so the next thing we need to build is a principal's office to send them to the principal is extremely strict and she even has a phone on her desk that way she can call the students parents and tell them what they did there's a filing cabinet to keep all the students records and there's even a couch where the students will sit for their timeout the next class on our list is special because it's actually an online class so my plan is to build a Lego Zoom call I started by building this giant black screen with buttons on the bottom and I left empty spaces to put all the cameras of the people in the call like the teacher who's ready to teach the class this first student forgot that his camera's on this student is trying to take a nap while calling and this kid has really crappy internet okay we only have one more class left until our school is finished but there's a few more things that every school needs like an auditorium where the school can hold special meetings and events like right now the students are putting on their very own talent show oo every school also has clubs so I built a room for all the school clubs to take place in like chess club robotics photography club and Debate Club they're debating right now if pineapple should be on pizza and now we're ready to build the final class for our school and this time it's music class so there's a conductor with sheet music ready to lead the class and everyone else has their instruments and is ready to play Let's freaking go our Lego school is finally finished wait what's Drake doing here but to celebrate this brand new Lego school I think we should send the students off to their very first school field trip so they're going to go to the zoo and while they do that I think it's also time to give this school its very own year book okay let's see how it turned out okay wow that actually turned out really good very well done but I also just realized I think this school is about to experience its very first snow day okay it looks like school's getting cancelled for a week thanks for watching I'll see you in the next [Music] one in the a we be cruising to the city like we just don't care we be running up the L of money like an ATM I be dripping with the L of was cat me with the band

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